4,000 abused beagles need homes.  These people get up.

4,000 abused beagles need homes. These people get up.

Hazel, a 6-year-old beagle, got scared the first night in a foster home when she was playing with a toy and it beeped. She had never seen a stuffed animal or a ball. She was comfortable with water, but afraid of the tub during her first bath.

Hazel is one of more than 400 beagles released last week from a breeding center in Virginia. About 4,000 in total are expected to be released to shelters, rescues, foster owners and adoptive families over the next two months.

The massive rescue comes after United States authorities filed a complaint in federal court in May after inspections of the Envigo breeding and research facility in Cumberland, Va., revealed over the past two years. various violations of federal regulations. Officials found the beagles hungry, sick, mistreated and in some cases dead. Many of the animals in breeding would be expected to be used for research and testing. After the inspections and phone calls from lawmakers, a federal judge this month approved a plan to save the beagles. That mobilized several rescue organizations, dozens of volunteers and hundreds of aspiring owners who wanted to help.

Hazel took her first walk on Tuesday under the care of Nikki Bunce, who is a first-time foster owner for the dog and her five puppies in West Bend, Wisconsin. She said Hazel was warmed up to cuddle during movie nights.

“It was just so heartwarming to be her first everything,” said Mrs. Bunce.

Rescuing, medically treating and moving the dogs was a huge undertaking that required the help of veterinarians, volunteers, drivers and dog lovers.

Envigo, a research organization acquired last year by inotiv and works with the pharmaceutical and biotech industries, said on its website that it breeds “healthy, well-socialized animals.”

On July 21, the Humane Society of the United States took 201 beagles, among the first to leave Envigo, to a center in Maryland, and about 230 other dogs went straight to rescue partners. Workers in personal protective equipment carried the dogs from vans and inspected them before being taken to the rehabilitation center.

The dogs had previously been identified using tattoos on the inside of their ears, which is how the breeder had tagged them. One puppy had the letters “ONE CJE” on the inside of his left ear. They now name their foster and adoptive families outside those codes for the first time.

Before the court intervened, some dogs were likely destined to end up in testing facilities and die, said Kitty Block, the chief executive and president of the Humane Society.

“They deserve to sit on the bench, on dog walks with you in the park,” Ms. Block said.

Lindsay Hamrick, the Humane Society’s director of shelters and engagement, said pregnant dogs, nursing litters and dogs in need of medical care were prioritized for new homes. Those rescued will undergo additional veterinary examinations and have paperwork prepared so that they can be adopted across the country. The Humane Society said it planned to help rescue about 300 to 500 beagles each week until they were all settled.

After a few weeks of a normal, healthy routine, most dogs adapt well to new homes, Ms. Hamrick said. But in some cases, dogs may take years to adjust to “normal life,” she said.

“Everything from the way the grass feels to watching cars go by, it’s all going to be a whole new experience for them,” said Ms Hamrick.

Of a group of 62 beagles in Wisconsin, the nine mothers who matured in the Envigo facility with little human interaction or play were shy, said Angela Speed, the vice president of communications for the state’s Humane Society.

Two drivers transported the beagles in large trucks—nine mothers and their 53 puppies—from Maryland to Wisconsin, where 15 Milwaukee staff members and volunteers received and prepared them to go to foster homes that night.

“Their lives have completely changed,” said Ms Speed. “Animal lovers stand up to help, and that’s what makes this possible.”

A separate effort in Massachusetts required two large vehicles, more than 20 hours on the road, and three drivers to bring 75 beagles to the Northeast Animal Shelter in Massachusetts, said Mike Keiley, the organization’s executive director. Of those, 20 went to the Dakin Humane Society in Springfield, Massachusetts, and the remaining 55 are in the care of the shelter.

“We took the opportunity to assist with such a historic and significant case that, in my view, really shines an important spotlight in a dark corner of animal welfare,” said Mr Keiley.

Aside from natural disasters that drove some dogs out, Mr. Keiley, who is also the director of adoption centers and programs for the Massachusetts Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals, said the rescue of the 4,000 beagles was the largest he’d participated in or heard of. The shelter said 800 people have reached out to inquire about adopting a member of this group of puppies, all eight to 12 weeks old, or other puppies they will house in the future.

“You would expect them to be scared of people, not trusting and really traumatized,” Mr. Keiley said of the puppies. But that has not been the case. “I’m really impressed with how resilient animals get out of the worst situations imaginable,” he said.

The beagles must undergo medical care and vaccinations specific to each state. In Massachusetts, this includes a quarantine period, personal protective equipment for caregivers, vaccinations, microchips, treatment of parasites and spay or neuter, said Karina King, director of operations at the Dakin Humane Society.

So far, many of the association’s 20 beagles have diarrhea and one will have an eye surgically removed, Ms King said. The shelter will take care of many medical needs before the dogs are adopted, and any dogs with ongoing problems go to foster care until they can recover.

Ms King said there was a lot of interest in the beagles at a time when animal shelters across the country were under pressure. Her shelter has received requests from Texans and Floridians willing to drive to Massachusetts for a beagle, even though there are dogs ready for adoption in those states.

“If the story of these dogs touches your heart, it’s great if you can get one,” said Ms. King. “But if you’re not, there are so many other dogs that need your help.”

Nellie (named because she’s a “nervous Nellie”) was originally raised by Homeward Trails Animal Rescue in Virginia and adopted within 24 hours by Lauren and Trevor Kellogg in Washington, DC. Both had done advocacy against animal testing and Envigo, Ms. Kellogg said.

Nellie, aged 2 years and 8 months, joined nearly 4-year-old Beesly, another beagle rescued from animal testing, who was also shy and wary when she was adopted two and a half years ago. Ms. Kellogg said she worked for a pharmaceutical company and adopted Beesly after the dog was part of an experiment her company was conducting.

After their release, the 21 dogs in the care of Homeward Trails Animal Rescue in Virginia had a “day of cure,” said Sue Bell, the executive director. For the first time, they could run around a sunny garden to dry off after a bath.

“Back in the day, when we took dogs, row after row after row I would look into the eyes of the beagles in their outdoor kennels and apologize,” Ms Bell said. “This time I could look into all those dogs’ eyes and tell them we’d be back for them.”