The referee cancels the match and removes the player from the pitch as fans fight on the “friendly” terrace between Southport and Blackpool.

The referee cancels the match and removes the player from the pitch as fans fight on the “friendly” terrace between Southport and Blackpool.

BLACKPOOL’s “friendly” in Southport was canceled because rival fans fought on the terrace.

Referee Ben Speedy took off the player for 10 minutes after the PA announcer warned the supporters that the game would stop unless the collision stopped.

After a battle broke out between Blackpool and Southport supporters, players tried to calm things down.

Trouble burned when a group of young Southport followers turned around to confront fans at the away end.

Later, several Blackpool supporters broke the fence and home fans fled to their section of the Hai Guavenue Stadium.

Details to follow