Two ways life on Mars can be hidden from scientists – staying deep on the surface of Mars, etc.

Two ways life on Mars can be hidden from scientists – staying deep on the surface of Mars, etc.

If life exists on Mars, it may be hidden from us – here are two examples of how this is true.

The potential of alien life on Mars is a topic that has fascinated astronomers for decades.

Nasa says the rover may need to start digging deep under the surface of Mars to find signs of life


Nasa says the rover may need to start digging deep under the surface of Mars to find signs of lifeCredit: NASA

However, despite the best efforts of the scientific community, no evidence of past or present life was found on Mars.

Still, that doesn’t necessarily mean it’s not there, and many experts conclude.

There may be several ways evidence of alien life on Mars could avoid us.

Life may be hiding underwater

A recent study has shown that it is necessary to dig deep under the surface of Mars to find traces of life.

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This is because evidence of amino acids left over from the time Mars may have been habitable is likely to be buried at least 6.6 feet underground.

According to the Scripps Research Institute, scientists look for amino acids for their life-forming roles, as we know them.

Amino acids, which can be produced by life and non-biochemistry, are important factors in building life-critical proteins.

Also, because Mars has no magnetic field, the surface of Mars is exposed to many cosmic rays that destroy amino acids.

“Our results suggest that amino acids are destroyed by rocks on the surface of Mars and cosmic rays of Regolith at a much faster rate than previously thought,” Greenbelt, Maryland said. Alexander Pavlov of one NASA Goddard Space Flight Center said.

“Current Mars rover missions dig down to about 2 inches (about 5 centimeters). At these depths, it takes only 20 million years to completely destroy amino acids.”

In the light of this new research, new strategies are needed when drilling shallow surfaces with rover such as Perservenace and Curiosity.

Life can exist in ways we are not yet aware of

Dr. Moogega Cooper, a NASA scientist, talked with Talks on Google in April about life on Mars.

Cooper’s answer was positive when asked if he thought there was life on Mars, or if he once thought it had life.

She states: “Did water once exist on Mars? Yes. Are there any interesting chemicals on Mars that can live or sustain life?”

For these reasons alone, Cooper implies that life once existed on the Red Planet.

Nasa also does not completely rule out the existence of life on Mars and other planets.

It may be life that we do not yet understand.

Cooper states that microbes on Earth can exist in extremely harsh environments, and the same is true for Mars.

If we find life, Cooper’s next task is to make sure that the Earth is safe when a sample of the Earth is returned here.

She explained to her talk on Google:

“When I bring something back, I don’t want to bring back anything that could be harmful to the human body.

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“So we have to do the best we can to ensure that it is done correctly.”

“When it comes to protecting the planet from alien life, Cooper says: