I’m a retail expert – these are the tricks companies use to get you to buy something … even if you do not want it

I’m a retail expert – these are the tricks companies use to get you to buy something … even if you do not want it

HAVE you ever flipped through social media and ended up spending your hard earned cash on a product you’ve never even considered buying?

Impulse buying is becoming more common with the growth of online shopping – and advertising experts are coming up with new tricks to get your attention and make you part of your dough.

Online shopping has made it much easier for advertisers to grab your attention with flashy tricks and gambits


Online shopping has made it much easier for advertisers to grab your attention with flashy tricks and gambitsCredit: Getty

These advertising experts have shared their tricks of the trade so you can know the tactics, illusions and gambits that advertisers use to outwit buyers and convince you to buy their products.

Why you see ads more than once

Mark Smith, a social media strategist at Double up Social, said when it comes to online platforms, a tactic known as ‘re-targeting’ plays a big role.

Redesign refers to a customer who is shown the same ad multiple times to make sure the product is entrenched in their mind.

Mark said: “Consumers are unlikely to buy after seeing an ad only once.

“Therefore, advertisers will identify who has been involved in or interacted with their previous ads, with the idea that if they were involved in previous ads, they should be interested in the product in some way.

“Advertisers then show them more ads in the hope that they can persuade you to buy.

“That’s why, if you click on an ad, you’ll probably see a lot more ads from that same company.”

A similar trick by advertisers explains why you can often see similar ads, even if you switch between different platforms.

Mark added: “If you use an email address to sign up for an email newsletter (and subscribe to marketing) – advertisers can then transfer those emails to Facebook, and if you used that email to create a Facebook profile, they can then show you ads also directly on Facebook.

“For advertisers, it’s all about putting their product in front of your eyes in as many places as possible!”

A Picture Says A Thousand Words

This may seem obvious, but images play an important role in how you sell ads – including ways you would not be aware of.

Jordan James, Director of Unlockd Marketing, shared that images can be the key to grabbing your attention:

He explained: “A picture is worth a thousand words and it can no longer be true with product ads.

“Advertisers will typically place a series of ads across channels, using a cross-section of photos and / or video to whet your appetite.

“It will range from simple images of the product against various backgrounds, to lifestyle images with models that look just like the target demographics.”

Jordan has also unveiled a secret industry tip: if it’s a hand product, advertisers will focus on model’s hands.

Seeing how other people are using a product can subconsciously help you see how you are using it, which increases the chances that you will want to buy it.

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Famous endorsements The appeal factor on

Seeing your favorite celeb with a product is a great way to add his interest value, and it can make all the difference.

“It’s no secret that celebrities can help drive sales up,” Jordan added.

While people usually assume that brands pay for confirmations, the advertising insider has revealed that sometimes “the celebrity is happy to be used for promotions in exchange for a freebie or two – which happens more than you think!

“Advertisers use celebrities who resonate with their product’s audience to make those cash registers ring!

“The reason celebrity endorsements work well is that celebrities are familiar with us and who cultivate trust. Trust is a key component when selling products, especially new ones.”

Draw the customer’s gaze

It can be a challenge for advertisers to catch a person’s eye when browsing on their phone, but there are certain tricks that attract advertisers to catch your eye and keep your interest.

Rich Mehta, founder of Rigorous Digital, said being able to draw attention to an ad is a key aspect of online sales – and they use a handy trick to do so.

“If we want someone to read something or focus their attention on a certain space, we take a picture of someone looking in that direction.

“That means we place someone in an ad looking at the product – it will often focus a customer’s gaze on it.”

Rich also said that the average person would not be able to recall or relate to a brand until they had seen or heard of it at least 8 to 10 times – and that’s why once a brand thinks you may be interested, they will repeat .

Take customers on a journey

Generic ads that feel like they are aimed at anyone and everyone are a thing of the past.

Advertising has now evolved to take you on a journey – and you make a purchase is the destination.

Amanda Philp, Director of Digital Marketing Engine, said advertisers often try to engage you in a fresh way, making you feel like you are discovering the product yourself.

The marketing director said this is the key, as people “are no longer fooled by clickbait, hyperbole or too-good-to-be-true offers.”

“Advertisers need to attract both attention – quickly – and more importantly, retain it. One-hit wonders simply do not work.

“You know when you’re looking for a product, and then you start seeing ads for it wherever you go online? It takes you through an awareness journey – with a specific and targeted end goal that you will eventually succumb to and make the purchase. . “

So, this is the journey that the big hits online take you on:

  • First, create an initial desire, where ads make you think “it looks interesting …”
  • Then identify the current problem to make you wonder “what is missing in my life …”
  • Offer a solution to this problem so consumers can see that “life will be so much better if I do this …”
  • Display the product repeatedly and create the illusion that it is “shiny and perfect …”
  • Finally, show the customer where to buy it – and lead them there.

“It’s easy to see which advertisers are getting it right or wrong – next time you see an ad appear on your screen, take a moment to analyze it,” Amanda added.

“You’ll know pretty quickly if it’s talking to you on your own tone, or if those precious advertising spending pounds have been completely wasted on you!”

Shock factor is Key

In a world where advertising is everywhere, it can be a useful tactic to grab people’s attention immediately and promote engagement through controversy, shock and surprise.

James Holden, marketing manager at Protect Line, said: “The world is saturated with advertising and people are overwhelmed by it, to the point that they eliminate it completely.

“For effective advertising – we use shock value!

“It is essential to capture the audience’s attention within the first few seconds, and sometimes it means using controversy or engagement bait.

Brands want people to respond strongly to their ads, especially online because it encourages the algorithm to increase the advertising reach, so shock value is carefully considered and planned. ”

Context can make the difference

When it comes to how an ad is specifically targeted to you, the time and place you see it can determine whether it looks appealing or completely irrelevant.

Abs Hassanali, spokesperson for Integral Ad Science, an advertising data company, said: “Context is the key. All things must have the right time and place.

“We all like a cold drink from time to time, but think about receiving an ad for one on a Monday morning on LinkedIn. We would much rather see this ad on a Friday night on Facebook!

“Ads can be super-smart and creative, but if they reach audiences in the wrong environment, they’re likely to fall flat.

“People are much more likely to buy a product when it’s related to the content they’re already looking at.”

Next time you come across an ad, take note of the time of day and what platform you are on – it may make a lot of sense why you see it at that time.

Online advertising experts have announced their tactics to guide you in buying their products


Online advertising experts have announced their tactics to guide you in buying their productsCredit: Getty
Advertising professionals use special tricks and gambits to get your attention and keep you interested - including in some surprising ways


Advertising professionals use special tricks and gambits to get your attention and keep you interested – including in some surprising waysCredit: Getty