Android developer blog: CTS for developers (CTS-D)

Posted by Yukio Sugimoto, Android Partner Engineering

Android’s strength is its diverse ecosystem of devices, marketed by individual devices over 24K and used by billions of people around the world. Since the initial release of Android, we have Android compatibility program As a way to ensure that your device continues to provide a stable and consistent environment for your app.

the Compatibility test suite (CTS) is an important part of the program. This is a collection of over 2 million test cases that check Android device implementations to enable developer applications to run on a variety of devices and provide users with a consistent application experience.

Device manufacturers run CTS on their devices throughout the development process and use it to identify and fix bugs early. Over the years, we’ve been constantly expanding our suite by adding new test cases, and now CTS contains over 2 million tests. It’s still growing-as Android evolves, there are new areas to cover and gaps that are constantly being worked on to create additional tests.

Most CTS tests are written by Android engineers, but we know that app developers have their own perspective on real device compatibility issues. Therefore, we will add a new test suite called CTS-D to enhance CTS with better input from app developers. This is built and run by a developer like you.

What is CTS-D?

CTS-D is a new CTS module provided by app developers focusing on the issues found in the field. Developers can create test cases and provide them to CTS-D to catch these issues and run the CTS-D suite to verify compatibility. In the long run, we plan to work closely with the Android developer community to expand the CTS-D suite.

We know that many have already created their own tests to verify compatibility on different devices.We would like to work with you to bring those tests to AOSP, and you can see the first tests provided by the community. Here the first CTS-D commit..

That’s why we use CTS-D to make these types of tests widely available, helping device makers and app developers identify and share issues more effectively.

How is CTS-D used?

CTS-D is open source and available in AOSP, so any app developer can use it as a verification tool. With CTS-D, you can help minimize communication overhead between app developers, device makers, and Google and solve problems effectively.

If a particular device does not pass the CTS-D test, please report the problem using This issue tracking template.. After reviewing the issue on the reported device, work with your partner to resolve the issue. We also strongly recommend device manufacturers to use CTS-D to find and mitigate problems.

Let’s get started with CTS-D!

If you have any ideas for CTS-D, please submit your test suggestions using: This issue tracking template Before providing the test code to AOSP. The Android team will review the suggestions and confirm the eligibility of the test. Currently, I am most interested in adding test cases in the following areas: Power management..

As with CTS, the new CTS-D test case must meet eligibility requirements and can only do the following:

  1. Behavior of all public APIs described in Android developer documentation..
  2. All MUST requirements contained in Android Compatibility Definition Document (CDD)..
  3. Test cases not covered by existing CTS test cases AOSP

If you want to know more about CTS-D, please see the tutorial. here How to contribute to and use CTS-D. Please note that the review process for new CTS-D test cases can be time consuming. Please wait for a while. We hope you will try CTS-D in the near future. Let’s work together to further improve the Android experience!