Talk to Mike Taylor about the #NoCode movement and lifelong learning

Talk to Mike Taylor about the #NoCode movement and lifelong learning

Mike Taylor sheds light on #NoCodeTech and an integrated ecosystem

Mike Taylor is committed to helping organizations take their learning programs to the next level by incorporating research-based practices from marketing, learning and technology. He organizes speeches and workshops, runs a blog, and talks about everything related to learning, design, and technology. With a wealth of real-life experience, Mike understands that effective learning is not about the latest trends or trendy new tools. Known for his practical and street-savvy style, Mike directs learning technology and online learning at Mindset Digital in Columbus, Ohio. He also holds an MBA from Ohio University and a Master’s degree in Educational Technology from San Diego. Today he “learns loudly” and talks about how to create custom solutions without any coding experience.

You have been working in the field of learning at work for over 20 years. Any advice you would like to share with your new learning experience designer?

Always be curious. Look for the root reason, look for a better way, and most importantly, don’t stop learning. One of the best resources I have is my network. For me, the only way to be a good expert is to build a good network.

You are well known for the insightful “Friday Finds” blog post. Can you tell your readers a little more about this content and what you can expect from the weekly newsletter?

My newsletter is an important part of my “learn loud” practice. I read every morning and make time to collect the best I’ve found each week in the areas of learning, design and technology in the weekly newsletter. It includes the top five items of interest, the three podcasts you find most valuable, and five new technologies or tools. It’s free and anyone can subscribe from my website.

For those interested in the details, I recently posted a behind-the-scenes look at how I put it together each week.

You are a highly regarded speaker at industry events. What presentation topics are you most passionate about and why?

A tough question. Some important points include some of the things L & D can (and should) steal from the marketing arena and aspects of the learning technique, especially the #NoCode movement. This is a huge benefit for L & D professionals.

What is the most exciting thing about the future of learning experience design? Are there any notable trends in e-learning technology?

I’m really excited about the potential of #NoCode technology to create custom solutions without coding. We are also excited to see that the learning technology stack is now interconnected with a truly integrated ecosystem. Instead of the old idea of ​​one big platform (many jobs went wrong), it is increasingly possible to deploy optimal solutions for targeted challenges and integrate them with each other.

wrap up

Thanks to Mike Taylor for participating in the sort leader Q & A.Mike was also featured in e-learning pioneers [2022] A list of his commitment to making technology familiar and his unique perspective on learning design.

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