Support for conversion measurement, custom audiences, and ad selection

Support for conversion measurement, custom audiences, and ad selection

Posted by Fred Chung, Android Developer Relations

Privacy Sandbox Developer Preview 3

The Privacy Sandbox on Android aims to develop new solutions that protect user privacy and enable effective, personalized ad experiences for apps. Since our first developer preview, we’ve shared progress updates and continue to engage the industry in everything from the Developer Preview timeline to the Topics taxonomy to SDK version control. We value your feedback!

Today, we’re releasing Developer Preview 3, which includes APIs and developer resources for conversion measurement and remarketing use cases. In addition to the preview of SDK Runtime and Topics APIs released earlier, you can start testing and evaluating the impact on all major APIs for Privacy Sandbox on Android for the first time.

Event-level reporting and aggregated attribution APIs

These APIs allow developers to measure when a click on an ad or a delivery event leads to a conversion, such as downloading a new game. They support key usage scenarios for attribution in apps and the web, and improve user privacy by removing reliance on user IDs from different parties.

This release includes a developer guide and sample apps to help you understand the client and server side settings and interactions for key parts of the attribution reporting workflow, including:

  • Register attribution source and trigger events.
  • Receive event reports and unencrypted aggregatable reports.
  • (Note that report coding aggregation has not yet been implemented. See the release notes for details.)

To facilitate testing, the release also supports ADB commands to override reporting time windows. For more information about the Android client APIs, see the API reference.

Custom Audience and Ad Selection APIs

These APIs are part of FLEDGE for Android and provide the building blocks to serve custom ads to users based on previous app engagement, without sharing data with third parties. You will be able to:

  • Manage the Custom Audience plan and see how the parameter values ​​can influence the auction results
  • Get JavaScript Auction Code from External Endpoints
  • Configure and launch ad auctions on the device
  • Handling Impression Reporting

For more information, please refer to the API Custom Audiences and Ad Selection API Reference Pages, as well as the Release Notes.

Other Important Features

If you’re just starting out exploring the Developer Preview, also check out the supported features described in the SDK Runtime and Topics API developer guides.

If you need a refresher on the key technologies for the Privacy Sandbox on Android, we recommend watching this overview video and review the design proposals.

Getting Started with the Developer Preview

Today’s Developer Preview release provides the tools you need to start early feature testing and share feedback. To get started developing, see the instructions to set up the SDK and system images on the emulator or supported Pixel devices.

To learn more about the Privacy Sandbox on Android Developer Preview, visit the developer site and sign up for our newsletter to receive regular updates.