Beergate: Keir Starmer and Angela Rayner not fined – but why?  †  Politics |  News

Beergate: Keir Starmer and Angela Rayner not fined – but why? † Politics | News

Keir Starmer previously admitted that if he were fined for the incident, he would resign as leader of the Labor Party. He was accused of breaking lockdown rules by attending a gathering of people indoors when not allowed.

A statement from Durham Police said: “Following the emergence of important new information, an investigation was launched by Durham Constabulary into a meeting at the Miners’ Hall, in Redhills, Durham on April 30, 2021. That investigation has now been concluded.

“A significant amount of documentary and witness evidence has been obtained evidencing the 17 participants and their activities during that meeting. After the application of the evidentiary Full Code Test, it has been concluded that there is no reason to justify a violation of the regulations because of application of an exception, namely reasonably necessary work.

“Therefore, Durham Constabulary will not issue any firm fines in relation to the meeting and no further action will be taken.

“The investigation has been thorough, detailed and proportionate. The final evidence provided by local constituency participants was returned to Durham Police Department on July 5 and analyzed by investigators against all evidence before the inquiry was closed on July 8, 2022. rounded.

“In accordance with established national police guidelines, we will not name or otherwise identify any of those in attendance at the meeting, all of whom have been notified of the investigation results by their legal representatives.”

More updates to follow…

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