Our video buyer’s guide to flagships and flagship killers

Our video buyer’s guide to flagships and flagship killers

The holidays are upon us and what a good time to grab a new smartphone. We have regularly updated lists for the best flagships and flagship assassins to get, and now Will has put them all together in one handy video for you to enjoy.

Flagships have nothing to fear as their would-be killers have established themselves in a separate category and the two coexist peacefully today. The flagships are the most prestigious models, the heroes of a company’s portfolio with all the best that the R&D department can produce. These are aimed at people who always want the latest and greatest smartphone, regardless of the price.

Our Buyer's Guide to Flagships and Flagship Killers now premieres

Their so-called killers, a moniker introduced by OnePlus a long, long time ago, are smartphones with great performance, often with the best chipset or camera sensor on the market. However, the main difference is that they try to keep the budget healthy at the cost of some limited appeal.