Climate change: the tide is turning against those who build dangerously

Climate change: the tide is turning against those who build dangerously

New polls on climate change show people are becoming less tolerant of those who build dangerously, with the vast majority expecting extreme flooding to increase.

The survey, now in its fifth year, found that 91 percent of people expected to see more frequent and more extreme flooding.

It seemed that people were less confident about the role they could personally play in responding to climate change.

At the same time, there was a major shift towards people who wanted to control the government.

Read the full report here

The tide is turning against those in the danger zone

The survey for a major insurer found that the majority — 53 percent — of people felt that homeowners should not have the right to live in places hit hard by climate change.

That was an increase of 15 percentage points from last year, as the country has experienced some extreme flooding and weather events in recent years.

There was also a 10 percentage point growth over four years in the number of people who wanted municipalities to allocate land to mitigate and prevent the impact of climate change (now 74 percent) and consent developments that did the same (now 69 percent).

Only a third thought the country was doing enough about climate change, and there was a big shift in the number of people looking to government for clues.

Those who thought government bore most of the responsibility nearly doubled — from 25 percent five years ago to 48 percent in 2022.

Over the past three years, about three-quarters of people have consistently said they want authorities to build infrastructure to mitigate the impact of climate change.

People seem less confident about individual action

But the numbers showed that people seemed less confident about what they could do as individuals about climate change.

Seventy-eight percent of people agreed that climate change was important to them personally, but in the past year, the number willing to mitigate its impacts has dropped from 69 to 64 percent.

There was also a steady decline in the number of people already taking steps to reduce climate impacts, falling from 9 percentage points in two years to just 50 percent.

It came with a 9 percentage point drop in the number of people who knew what to do to help mitigate the impacts of climate change — to 49 percent.

Ipsos’ research for the insurer IAG – which has brands such as NZI, State and AMI – spoke to more than 1000 people in late April and early May.

That was true when the government released its draft plans for dealing with the effects of climate change, such as floods, sea level rise, wildfires, droughts – and also who would pay for them.

These include discussions of managed retreat – essentially leaving places where it no longer makes sense to live.

It was also when shocking new data came out showing that sea levels in some parts of Aotearoa are rising twice as fast as previously thought, causing once-in-a-century flooding in some places every year for as little as 18 years.

It raises the possibility that the poll indicates that as government takes on the leading role in this matter, it makes citizens less confident about their individual efforts.

Another plausible factor could be that the pandemic has reduced people’s ability to do something about another important problem and stressor, such as climate change.

The new data on sea level rise may also be a factor in sentiment against being able to live in hard-hit places.

Professor James Renwick, a climate scientist at Victoria University, said there was “a lot of confusion and a need for education and clear messages about actions we can all take”.

Insurance alone is not the answer, industry warns

In May, RNZ reported a climate change risk expert who said those living in areas prone to storm damage from sea level rise could lose their insurance coverage in just a few years – much sooner than many owners realized.

The industry said there was no particular trigger point for when the insurance was revoked.

NZI, State and AMI chief executive Amanda Whiting said it is committed to keeping New Zealanders insured.

“However, it is clear that insurance alone is not the solution. As a country, we need to reduce the risks to property and lives caused by climate change.

“The most important thing we can do is ensure that people are protected from the effects of natural disasters.”

She said that for the industry, that meant working with central and local governments to provide more flood prevention measures and other solutions to protect people or get rid of them.

The government has repeatedly warned property owners and municipalities that they will have to bear some of the costs.

The local government has made similar statements, with part of the National Adaptation Plan a chance to sort this out.

Climate Change Secretary James Shaw said a rough estimate of about $145 billion in private and public assets and infrastructure is at risk from climate change in Aotearoa.