Brutal assault earns man 12 years in prison

An unrepentant “scary gangster” has been sent to prison for 12 years for a two-hour Dunedin sex assault.

Pierre Rewi Anglem (42) appeared this afternoon in Dunedin court for conviction after being found guilty by a jury in April.

The defendant did not accept the verdict and had no remorse for his crime that “significantly” affected the victim, the court heard.

Anglem was charged with four charges of unlawful sexual association, two of rape, one of possession of an offensive weapon – an extendable hammer – and one of perverting the course of justice.

At the time of the sexual assault, on August 27, 2020, Anglem was subject to an arrest warrant after violating his parole by cutting off his bracelet.

Crown Prosecutor Richard Smith said the victim did not know Anglem and found him “scary” from the start.

She had described him as a “scary mobster” to the jury.

She was told by a friend that a mutual acquaintance would come over and bring his ‘cuz’.

There was no advanced planning for the sex crime, said counsel Anne Stevens, QC.

The two men were ‘just visiting’.

The three smoked methamphetamine together.

However, the mutual acquaintance unexpectedly departed, leaving the woman alone with the defendant to whom she was not introduced by name.

“Almost immediately afterwards [the acquaintance] left the address you produced what was described as a folding hammer and turned it, passed it from hand to hand,” Judge Michael Turner said.

“You said nothing.”

As Anglem moved it from hand to hand, he began to ask for sexual favors.

After noticing that the hammer looked dangerous, he put it away.

“She was a much smaller woman against a much larger man who was armed,” said Mr Smith.

Terrified that she would be hurt if she disobeyed, she performed oral sex on him.

“She hoped that you would then leave the address,” the court heard.

“She was having trouble breathing and told you that repeatedly. Your response was to grab her by the hair.”

Anglem then picked her up and led her to the bedroom, but she put her hands on the door frame to prevent her from entering.

That is where the first rape took place.

Physically overpowered and “frozen”, the victim was forced into the bedroom and endured what she described to the jury as two hours of “half torture, half rape”.

The victim was beaten and spat at, and pieces of her hair were pulled out.

“You’re going to get pregnant with me, they’re all going to get pregnant with me,” Anglem told her.

The incident didn’t stop until mutual acquaintance returned.

Anglem was arrested on November 11 of the same year after the woman identified him from a police photo montage.

Sperm found at the scene in a clump of her pulled-out hair was analyzed in the aftermath by ESR forensic scientist Wendy James.

The evidence was 3,000 million times more likely to come from Anglem than anyone else, she said.

However, Anglem was unaware of any DNA evidence and wrote a note for his aunt when she visited him in Christchurch Men’s Prison on November 25.

The note said his cousin was to say he was with her that night, but it was confiscated before his aunt left prison.

“The suspect, a stranger to the victim, has tried to place himself in a different location,” the court heard.

Ms Stevens said Anglem’s childhood was “horrible” and that it is “hard to imagine a life as horrific as Mr Anglem’s as a child”.

While Judge Turner acknowledged Anglem’s difficult childhood, this was not a full apology for the offence.

“You treated this victim like an object, you didn’t care what she thought or wanted,” he said.

The judge noted Anglem’s desire to remain in the gang and the denial of the offense meant his rehabilitation prospects were low.