Roman Saponkova Russian military blogger who is embedded in the frontline of Russian troops issued the warning on Telegram Monday. Mr Saponkov who witnessed an attack himself warned that Russian troops could face a “hammer” because of the weapon and warned “this is just the beginning”.
He said: “Yesterday I happened to witness a Himars attack on Chernobayevka in Kherson, practically before my very eyes.
“I’ve come under fire many times, but I noticed that the whole package, five or six missiles, landed practically on a dime.
“Usually MLRS lands in a large area and at maximum range it spreads completely like a fan. It’s impressive, I won’t dispute that.
“Obviously this is just the beginning.
“They are going to attack Kherson and other border towns, especially Belgorod.
“They will cover all command posts and military installations that they have collected data on in the past four months.”
However, Saponkov reassured his followers by arguing that “miracle weapons” rarely change the course of wars and that Russia would likely take countermeasures.
Ukraine has come under fire at Russian command posts, ammunition and fuel depots since it received the first of nine promised M142 High Mobility Artillery Rocket Systems (Himars) in late June.
READ MORE: Putin reels after saboteurs strike inside Russia’s borders
A blogger Rybar said military commanders now viewed these correspondents as a “threat” to reporting military blunders.
He said: “After all, in Moscow they do not understand the reality of the front from their comfortable offices.
“The whole problem is they really don’t understand what’s going wrong.”
Igor Strelkov, a former FSB colonel, told his 400,000 subscribers that the Russian military’s missile defense system had been totally “ineffective”.
Fighting Cat Murz, a former rebel fighter based in Donetsk, ripped into the Russian military leadership for failing to move vital ammunition stocks beyond the reach of weapons supplied by the West.
He said, “Our army is led by a bunch of untrained idiots.
“Stupid vile, wretched, vengeful, petty, thieving lemmings.”