Sean Tully’s (Antony Cotton) boyfriend Frank (Simon O’Brien) is an annoying man on Coronation Street.
He was George’s (Tony Maudsley) bully at school, and he certainly hasn’t changed with age, as we’ve regularly seen Frank harass George or be mean on phone calls.
For Sean, he has fallen for Frank’s facade, believing that he is a very nice man – aw!
But will all that change when Frank meets Sean’s son Dylan (Liam McCheyne)?
This week, Dylan arrives in Weatherfield to spend time with Sean.
When Frank declines an invitation to dinner and says he wouldn’t want to invade Dylan’s first night, Sean is disappointed and thinks his friend doesn’t want to get to know his son.
Next week Frank meets Dylan at number 11, but it soon becomes clear that they have nothing in common at all.
Wanting to impress Dylan, Sean persuades Frank to join him to watch Dylan play in a soccer game.
It’s very clear that Frank isn’t happy about it, but will Sean see his bad side?
Is he going to see the real Frank?
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