The Indian Space Organization (ISpA) on Tuesday announced the National Advisory Committee (NAC) for driving stakeholder collaboration and building a 360-degree perspective in shaping the ecosystem of India’s private space industry.
dr. Arvind Gupta, director of Vivekananda International Foundation (VIF) will chair the newly formed committee. There are currently nine members in the NAC from various backgrounds, including: technical, defense, academia, bureaucracy and the aerospace industry. More additions to the committee are expected from the industry in the future.
Lt. General AK Bhatt (retired), Director General, ISpA would serve as the Convener and Wg. cdr. Satyam Kushwaha (Retired), Director, ISpA will support NAC as Secretary. Many other big names have also been included in the committee.
Indian Space Association opens new office
The ISpA has opened a new office in New Delhi. It is the first office and was inaugurated by Dr. Pawan Goenka, President of IN-SPACe. The office is located in the United Service Institution of India (USI) building, in Shankar Vihar, New Delhi†
Gokenka said: “Space is an intense and technologically complex area, each stakeholder must work together with perseverance and the vision of a long-term and sustainable public-private partnership. I am confident that the way this sector is moving forward with support from the Existing major private sector players and the new start-ups emerging, along with ISRO and government support, will ensure we make progress in the space sector.”