Tobey Maguire plays Jockey’s Red Pollard on Seabiscuit.
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Seabiscuit (M, 140 minutes) Director Gary Ross **** ½
Shortly after Phar Lap fluttered his heart and purse in Australasia, a foal in the bay with a small hump swept America.
Seabiscuit, a foal in 1933, earned about $ 500,000 for its owner, Charles S. Howard, between 1935 and 1940. His rise coincided with the beginning of the radio race and the population was in the Great Depression.
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Despite his exact catchy Monica (not a patch of Hoof Hearted or Miss Thunderstood), Sea Biscuits (sea gourmet understands his name when he finds out that his father is a hardtack), Hitler won more column inches in pre-WWII America than Mussolini, or Roosevelt.
The Story of Seabiscuit was first filmed in 1949 as The Story of Seabiscuit using archive footage. Despite the additional benefit of using his son Sea Sovereign for close-ups, the film has little to do with history, but with providing a romantic and dramatic role for teenager Shirley Temple. was.
Seabiscuit can now be streamed on Disney +.
In 2003, writer and director Gary Ross sought to correct Hollywood’s previous mistakes and bring the true story of the Horse of the Year in 1938 to life. Based on Laura Hillenbrand’s 1999 book, Sea Biscuits: The Legend of America, Ross becomes three men who shared the glory of being “the greatest four-legged sensation since Hope and Crosby.” I’m focusing.
Charismatic owner Howard (Jeff Bridges), candid horse whisper trainer Tom Smith (Chris Cooper), Red Pollard (Tobey Maguire), too expensive, storytelling jockey, Rouge’s hair There is a shock. Each trio is tied to victory, tragedy, and turmoil, as well as small, dragging wheezing horses with the talent to sleep and eat.
Sea biscuits are not without their drawbacks. It falls into the trap of nasty dialogue and obligatory slow-motion camera work, but the combination of Ross’s ingenuity and strong cast overcomes these hurdles.
Ross not only uses black-and-white stills and fake Movietone reels of the era, but also infuses his films with a vast palette of bright colors (after all, this gives us Pleasantville. It’s a lost man). This movie is lovingly made, has a simple charm, and does not exaggerate the emotional cards that this subject can easily bring. Randy’s “Toy Story” Newman’s subtle yet wide-ranging scores are also well utilized, but Ross is also not afraid to turn off the image for full impact.
Some history lessons, some boys’ own adventures, and sea biscuits are great sports dramas reminiscent of flame runners and eight men out.
Magwire expands his repertoire, Cooper adds to his canon of Loose Cannon (and William H. Macy blatantly steals the scene), but it’s Bridge that deserves praise. Tucker in 1988: Recalling the memories of a man and his wonderful turn in his dreams, Bridges offers a powerful performance.
Seabiscuit can now be streamed on Disney +.