Amazfit has launched a new smartwatch, namely Amazfit GTS 4 Mini. This smartwatch is currently available in both India and the US market, but should make way for other markets soon. The Amazfit GTS 4 Mini is available in four different colors: Flamingo Pink, Mint Blue, Moonlight White and Black. Let’s take a look at the specifications of the Amazfit GTS 4 Mini.
Amazfit GTS 4 Mini Specifications
The Amazfit GTS 4 Mini launched with a 1.65-inch AMOLED screen. This means that the users get a pretty big screen, and the AMOLED panel is just a bonus. The display comes with AOD (Always-on-display) support. There is a single physical button on the smartwatch on the side of the watch face.
The Amazfit GTS 4 Mini comes with support for multiple health and fitness modes. There is an SpO2 and heart rate sensor in the smartwatch. Under the hood is a 270mAh battery, which lasts up to 15 days. In battery saver mode, the smart watch can work up to 45 days easily.
Amazfit GTS Mini 4 Price
The Amazfit GTS 4 Mini has been launched at a price of Rs 6,999 ($88). It goes on first sale through Amazon on July 16 at noon.