Since the pandemic began, we’ve all had to make endless decisions about what’s worth the risk: eating out or staying home; attend a best friend’s wedding or watch the live stream; go on vacation or cancel it – again. But as we move to year 3, that calculus has lost its urgency for a lot of people. This summer’s chaotic travel season is proof enough.
[You can listen to this episode of “First Person” on Apple, Spotify or Google or wherever you get your podcasts.]
For Charles Falls Jr., or Chillie, the biggest decision of the past two years was when, and if, to start cruising again. Before the pandemic, he spent much of his time at sea, on cruise ships. With their buffet lines and cramped quarters, cruise ships are many people’s idea of a pandemic nightmare — and for Chillie, who suffers from lung disease, they pose a particular risk. But after being stranded ashore for nearly two years, Chillie’s real nightmare was to stay home.
(A full transcript of the episode will be available on the Times website in the afternoon.)
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“First Person” is produced by Cristal Duhaime, Olivia Natt, Derek Arthur, Christina Djossa and Jason Pagano and Courtney Stein. The show is edited by Kaari Pitkin, Stephanie Joyce and Lisa Tobin. Scoring by Isaac Jones, Pat McCusker and Carole Sabouraud. Mixing by Isaac Jones. Fact-checking by Mary Marge Locker. Audience Strategy by Shannon Busta with editorial support from Kristina Samulewski. The director of New York Times audio is Paula Szuchman. Special thanks to Kate Sinclair, Patrick Healy and Katie Kingsbury.