During Wimbledon, William and Kate, the Duchess of Cambridge, took Prince George to the royal box to watch tennis in a full suit. The decision sparked outrage from some as the eight-year-old had to endure temperatures of 28C.
However, expert Duncan Larcombe has previously said that the young royal wanted to dress like his father.
Speaking in 2021, of the England vs Germany match for Euro 2020, Mr Larcombe suggested that George William “idolises”.
He said: “Prince William is George’s absolute hero.
‘He thinks his father is the most perfect person on earth. George idolizes his father.
Talking to OK! Then Larcombe magazine added: “That’s why we saw him looking so beautiful in his suit – he really wanted to dress like William.”
After last weekend’s Wimbledon tournament, where George once again donned a suit as William, royal fans were angry that the eight-year-old had to wear formal clothes on a hot day.
User @AnjuChandel_ said on Twitter: “Next year please leave little George on casual athletic clothes and enjoy #Wimbledon like a kid.”
User @carolineplayle added: “It’s utterly ridiculous that Prince George was made to wear a suit and tie to Wimbledon – even more so in this sweltering heat.”
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Russell Myers, royal expert, defended the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge, saying “rules are the rules”.
He told Carol Vorderman on ITV’s Lorraine that George was not exempt from the strict dress code for the royal box.
Mrs. Vorderman said, “Prince George felt the heat in his suit.”
Mr Myers replied: “I know! I mean, some people say, ‘Did he have to wear the suit?’
“But the rules are the rules in the royal box!”
The official dress code on the Wimbledon website reads: “Dress is neat, suits/jacket and tie, etc.
“Ladies are asked not to wear hats as they obscure the view of those sitting behind them.”
Mr. Myers then added: It was a little warm under the collar, poor Prince George.
“But he did get a special treat. People were asking Kate and William where the other kids were, I’m sure Charlotte and Louis would have loved to go.”