Question time: Stella Creecy and Buckland clash over Trump
Historian Toms, who insists on a strict relationship with Brussels, collaborated with Sir Hannan of Clermont and former Tory MEP Daniel Hannan to discuss “Is Brexit Right?” And Ms. Creecy of Eurofil. Greaves disagrees with Tory MP Dominique of the former rebel army. Later, in an article written for the Independent UK Campaign (CIBUK) website, Toms said: Produce for their claim.
“Dominic Grieve and Stella Creecy, of course, claimed that Brexit was a disaster.
“Sir Hannan and I pointed out that the apocalyptic predictions made by the Remain campaign (David Cameron, George Osborne, CBI, Treasury, etc.) did not actually occur, but opponents said. Still claimed that we have a huge economy “hit’. “
Toms pointed out that the arguments presented by Mr. Creecy and Mr. Greaves will be known to anyone who has been discussing for the past six years.
He states: “The city of London is probably just a small part of the huge outflow that was predicted to have” lost 7,000 jobs. “
Labor leader Keir Starmer’s party will try to reverse Brexit, Mr. Tooms warned. (Image: Getty)
Labor lawmaker Stella Creasy (Image: Getty)
And in fact, it’s almost in balance with the work of the 5,400 new City that seems to have been created by Brexit. In fact, major international banks are increasing their workforce in London.
“Mr. Greaves also claimed that we were politically isolated, despite pointing out the British leadership and clearly showing the crisis in Ukraine.”
Both he and Ms Creasy argued that Britain would have more “influence” if we were “in the room” with “27 other” EU member states.
Tooms said: “Inside the room”, our influence would not have been suppressed and strengthened. “
read more: Brexit LIVE-“I can’t stand it!” Brexiteer calls EU trade war bluffs
Former Tory MP Dominic Grieve (Image: Getty)
Neither Mr. Creecy nor Mr. Greaves tried to defend the EU, Toms suggested.
He states: “Our opponents continued to insist on the” blow “we were likely to have suffered and supported this with reference to living costs, labor shortages and economic growth rates. Brexit results.
“Economic growth since 2016 is virtually the same in the UK and the EU, inflation is also virtually the same (food price inflation is low in the UK), and labor shortages are felt throughout the EU. Pointed out .. And beyond that, this was controversial.
“Brexit had to be a failure. No other possibility was possible. Even when Sir Hannan immediately looked up the latest official figures from the National Bureau of Statistics on his phone, they It was argued. Galileo had a similar problem in the Inquisition. “
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Sir Hannan of Clermon (Image: Getty)
City of London: Exodus hasn’t happened, Mr. Tooms said (Image: Getty)
He added: “When the debate comes down to the battle of rival statistics, it’s boring.
“Nevertheless, much of Brexit’s debate over the past six years relies on” project horror, “which may need to be taken seriously.
“It’s still very alive and kicking.” The data is very clear, “Stella Creecy insisted. “We have been hit financially.”
“She disputed my numbers and, as a scholar, suggested that I should be more careful when checking them.”
Five important moments leading to Brexit (Image: Express)
Tombs said he posted the source of his data on the UK briefing website and asked her to do the same.
I added: Dominique Greaves said, “We can eventually rejoin the EU,” but this is “not for tomorrow.” By definition, re-participants take this view, even if it means rekindling conflicts over the last six years.
“In contrast, Stella Creasy has moved away from this position and said there is no doubt that she will rejoin the current standard Labor Party, but nevertheless, Brexit is a disaster. Where is the logic? Why stick to the disaster?
“As she suggested, her priority is to brand Brexit as a failure to undermine the credibility of Boris Johnson and Brexit.
Brexit migration has had a huge impact on the EU (Image: Express)
“If the government came to power by’achieving Brexit’and could convince the country that Brexit was bad (and this constant refrain certainly seems to have some effect), workers would openly go to the EU. We support the very risky course of rejoining. “
Characterizing Mr. Creecy’s position as “party politics,” Toms admitted, “Because she is a politician, she can hardly dispute.”
But he added, “There is no doubt that the Labor government will make every effort to secretly reverse Brexit by attempting to rejoin the customs union and the single market, since 2016. Will be in a bad position. “ is asking Creasy and Grieve for comment.