Parts of the UK’s forecast to reach 100 degrees Fahrenheit

Parts of the UK’s forecast to reach 100 degrees Fahrenheit

Parts of UK forecast will reach 100 degrees Fahrenheit, #Parts #UK #Forecast #Hit #Degrees #Fahrenheit Welcome to OLASMEDIA TV NEWSThis is what we have for you today:

A heat wave to hit the UK has triggered the country’s first red alert of extreme heat, triggering a national emergency alert level.

In the coming days, temperatures are expected to exceed 100 degrees Fahrenheit in some parts of the UK, a country where umbrellas, gray skies and mild temperatures are comfortably familiar.

“I can say that the extreme heat that we are predicting now is absolutely unprecedented,” said

Penny Endersby,

chief executive of the Met Office, the country’s national weather service.

“Here in the UK we are used to treating a hot spell as an opportunity to play in the sun. This is not that kind of weather,” Ms Endersby said in a video. “Our lifestyle and our infrastructure are not adapted to what is to come.”

Parts of the UK forecast to 100 degrees Fahrenheit

Parliament Square in London on Thursday.


Hollie Adams/Bloomberg News

Parts of the UK forecast to 100 degrees Fahrenheit

Belfast, UK on Tuesday.


Liam Mcburney/Zuma Press

The hottest weather is expected Monday and Tuesday in parts of central, northern, eastern and southeastern England, the Met Office said. But high temperatures are also forecast for much of Wales and parts of southern Scotland.

It is the first time the Met Office is forecasting temperatures of 40 degrees Celsius or 104 degrees Fahrenheit in the UK. The country’s current record 38.7 degrees Celsius was set in July 2019 at the Cambridge Botanic Garden.

On Friday, some models showed a 50% chance of maximum temperatures above 40 degrees Celsius in isolated parts of the UK. Officials have warned of possible disruptions to trains and roads, and urged people in England and Wales to travel only if necessary. The National Health Service said the high temperatures were dangerousespecially for the elderly and disabled, and encouraged people to check in with others.

Air-conditioned houses are rare in Europe and the UK. Many buildings are centuries old and rely on heavy stone walls to insulate their interiors from hot air.

Supermarket chain Aldi said it had the biggest ice cream sale in the UK in one day last Monday. Sales of electric fans and deodorant are hitting record highs, the company said.

Parts of the UK forecast to 100 degrees Fahrenheit

Wednesday the green stairs next to Regent’s Canal in London’s Granary Square.


Vuk Valcic/Zuma Press

Parts of the UK forecast to 100 degrees Fahrenheit

Tuesday with a fan in London.


train akmen/EPA-EFE/Shutterstock

Some parts of Europe are already experiencing an intense heat wave this summer, with temperatures in some parts of Portugal hitting 115 degrees Fahrenheit on Wednesday, according to the Portuguese Institute of the Sea and Atmosphere. It was the highest temperature recorded by the agency.

Firefighters in the country are fighting fires and the Portuguese government on Thursday extended the state of emergency until Sunday.

Heat waves are becoming more common in Europe, with record temperatures becoming an almost annual phenomenon in some places. In 2003, rising temperatures killed more than 70,000 people in 16 countries, according to a 2008 report. About 15,000 of those deaths occurred in France alone, many of them among the elderly.

According to scientific studies, the long-term trend of rising global temperatures is caused by greenhouse gas emissions.

“Climate change has already impacted the likelihood of extreme temperatures in the UK,” says Dr.

Nicos Christidis,

with the Met Office, said in a statement Friday. “The chances of seeing 40°C days in the UK could be as much as 10 times greater in the current climate than in a natural climate unaffected by human influence.”

Parts of the UK forecast to 100 degrees Fahrenheit

Cooling down in the river in Eynsford, UK, Tuesday.


Dan Kitwood/Getty Images

Write to Talal Ansari at [email protected]

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