on your face, upload is a science fiction comedy. The Prime Video series, created by Greg Daniels (of office and Parks and Recreation) imagine a futuristic world where the privileged elite get to choose a digital afterlife, a kind of heaven meets the Metaverse. But, as the creative behind the show discusses in the latest edition of THR Presentspowered by Vision Media, it’s nearly impossible not to let real-life political themes seep into the story.
“It’s a world where heaven is only for the very wealthy, so you can’t avoid criticism of income inequality and billionaires if that’s your topic,” Daniels said. “The trick is not to hit people on the head with that and be a fun comedy show.”
The show debuted shortly after the world shut down in 2020, and most of season two was written the following summer, as the country went through a social and racial justice reckoning — so, while none of the storylines have ripped from the headlines, it The subject of inequality was at the forefront of everyone’s mind. Writer Maxwell Vivian, who joined after Season 1, has worked hard to ensure it upload took a balanced approach.
“I’d go away to work on something and I’d bring it back, like, this show isn’t just for Bernie Bros,” he says. “We don’t have a hard time commenting on things. We had to learn to reverse it, hide the medicine and focus on the comedy.
upload focuses heavily on the jokes associated with a society made up entirely of dead rich people’s avatars – creating the perfect physique in the afterlife, romantic flings and the like. But there are also more real messages hidden. “This show is a metaphor for people living too much in virtual space,” Daniels says. “It’s set in the small future, but so much of it reflects how we live now, how people live for their online presence and that virtual version of [themselves]†
In the video above, Daniels and Vivian, along with stars Robbie Amell, Andy Allo and Allegra Edwards, discuss what it was like to watch Season 2 of uploadand weigh in on some of the show’s big reveals.
This edition of THR Presents is brought to you by Prime Video.