Don’t buy an iPhone just for that. The iPhone is, after all, just a smartphone. Some people can afford it, others can’t. People who don’t seem to be able to afford a new one will buy a used iPhone from the market at a much higher price than necessary. These users want the iPhone just because the iPhone owners have a vision of improving their social status.
If you think the iPhone is perfect, you’re naive. Yes, it has a very consistent camera, especially for video recording. However, there are many features that you can’t get on the iPhone that you can’t get on Android.
The iPhone also has a bug. They may not be as obvious as they are on Android, but they have their own drawbacks.
It’s important to note that if you buy an iPhone just because it’s an iPhone, we hope you’re generating enough cash flow to support your purchase.
The iPhone may look great from a distance, but if you still can’t afford it and buy over budget, you’re in a bad position.
If you understand a few things, the iPhone is definitely a good buy.
Things to understand before buying an iPhone
First, ask yourself if you’re buying an iPhone because you need it, or if you need the status symbol and the validation it brings.
Second, do you have enough cash flow to support your purchase, even if you are purchasing at EMI?
Third, what are the main things you are trying to use?
Fourth, can the main thing work just as well with lower-priced smartphones?
Once you have the answers to these questions, go ahead and decide if you really need to buy an iPhone today.
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