The company will introduce the Tecno Spark 9 on July 18 for the Indian market. The device is reportedly the first smartphone under $10,000 to offer up to 11GB of RAM, according to Tecno Mobile. An expandable virtual RAM of up to 5 GB will be included with the 6 GB physical RAM of the next smartphone. A built-in storage of 128 GB is also included. Tecno is targeting the sub-Rs 10,000 market and aims to win at scale with this entry-level model. At this price point, it has to compete with a number of other smartphones, including the Redmi 9 Activ, Realme Narzo 50i and Oppo A15s. Let’s take a look at the features and specifications of the smartphone.
Specifications and features of Tecno Spark 9
A 6.6-inch HD+ display with a 90Hz refresh rate will be available on the Techno Spark 9, as previously announced. The Tecno Spark 9 has an octa-core MediaTek Helio G37 SoC inside. It has 128 GB of internal storage and 11 GB of RAM (6 GB of physical RAM and 5 GB of virtual RAM). The smartphone has a large battery of 5,000 mAh and is pre-installed with Android 12.
Talking about the features of the camera, the camera specs of the smartphone have not yet been made public. The Tecno Spark 9 is expected to have a square camera module on the back, according to the design renderings. In addition to a prop camera, an LED flash and a fingerprint sensor, this module has a dual camera configuration. In addition, it has a selfie camera notch in the shape of a water drop on the front.
Tecno Spark 9 Price, Availability in India
The Tecno Spark 9 will go on sale in India on July 18, according to a tweet sent by Tecno Mobile on Friday. It will cost less than Rs 10,000. This smartphone will be available in Sky Mirror and Infinity Black colors, according to a microsite on Amazon.