Workplace Disruptors: Proven Solutions and Tested Tips
Organizational leaders face hurdles every day, ranging from tapping into their remote talent to finding a skill balance. However, by shifting your perspective and seeing workplace disruptions as opportunities to grow and stay relevant, you have the power to thrive no matter what trials and tribulations come your way. This eBook shows you how to deal with rapid change, how to refine your talent mix and how to use new technology to achieve your goals.
eBook release
5 Workplace Disruptors That Can Kill You…or Make You Stronger
Discover the five biggest workplace disruptions organizations face today and the practical strategies to deal with each one.
Turning challenges into opportunities
Workplace disruptors can derail your L&D efforts and eliminate your competitive advantage. That said, resilience, perseverance and this eBook can help you turn the tide and empower each team member to hone their skills and follow a personalized learning path. Only organizations that are ready and willing to assess their needs and identify pain points will survive in the long run. Are you prepared to confront these workplace disruptions head-on and use them as a catalyst for change rather than letting them hinder employee growth and jeopardize your bottom line?
About this eBook
How do you reap all the benefits of today’s technology while avoiding the drawbacks? Is there a cost-effective way to retrain and upskill your remote workforce? Here’s a taste of what you’ll find in this guide that looks at the top workforce disruptors:
- Cut through the noise of new technology
- Running the ship in times of rapid change
- Working from home is no longer fun
- Refine your talent mix with a mixed workforce
- Retrain your people to stay relevant
- The exceptional impact of addressing the five workplace disruptors
How to get your copy
Download the eBook 5 Workplace Disruptors That Can Kill You…or Make You Stronger by Totara today to overcome your biggest obstacles and make the most of your internal talent.