arises in case numbers; young person under 16 deaths

An increase in the number of new Covid-19 cases in the community today is not unusual, as the increase comes after a long weekend, says the Ministry of Health.

There are 8028 new community cases of the virus today, and another 16 people have died from the disease.

There are 383 people in the hospital with Covid, including seven in ICU.

Yesterday, the ministry reported 5,549 new cases.

The continuous average of seven days of community business numbers today is 5480 – last Tuesday it was 4878.

The ministry said the increase in business numbers today “is not unusual after a long weekend. It will take more time before we can determine if it is part of a trend.”

There are 1,332 new cases across Canterbury today, compared to 1,013 yesterday, and 36 people in hospital in the area, down from 49 yesterday.


The ministry said all 16 deaths reported today had occurred within the past seven days.

They take the total number of deaths reported publicly after 1488, and the seven-day rolling average of reported deaths is 12.

One of the deaths was in the Southern DHB area. Of the others, four were in the Auckland region, two were in Waikato, two were in Hawke’s Bay, one was in MidCentral, two were in Taranaki, one was in Wairarapa, one was in Wellington, and two were in Canterbury.

One person was between 10 and 19 years old, three were in their 70s, six were in their 80s and six were older than 90. Eleven were male and five were female.

Location of new community affairs: Northland (169), Auckland (2,584), Waikato (465), Bay of Plenty (274), Lakes (111), Hawke’s Bay (257), MidCentral (217), Whanganui (76), Taranaki (251), Tairāwhiti (87), Wairarapa (88), Capital and Coast (744), Hutt Valley (301), Nelson Marlborough (281), Canterbury (1,225), South Canterbury (107)Southern (733), West Coast (55), Unknown (3).

Number of newly imported cases: 94.

Cases in the hospital: Noordland: 4; Waitemata: 71; Provinces of Manukau: 43; Auckland: 56; Waikato: 33; Bay of Plenty: 5; More: 19; Tairawhiti: 1; Hawke’s Bay: 9; Taranaki: 10; Whanganui: 3; Middle Center: 15; Wairarapa: 9; Hutt Valley: 13; Capital and Coast: 20; Nelson Marlborough: 13; Canterbury: 32; South Canterbury: 4; West Coast: 0; Southern: 23.

Average age of current hospitalizations: 63.

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