Audrey (Sue Nicholls) leaves her family stunned in the upcoming episodes of Coronation Street as she makes a radical decision about her will.
She visits Platt’s household and tells Gail (Helen Worth) and David (Jack P. Shepherd) that she is hosting a family gathering about her will, which she wants to update. Sarah (Tina O’Brien) and David both wonder how much they will inherit from her and they both worry about their grandmother and try to impress her with how loving and thoughtful they are.
Audrey organizes a family gathering at the Bistro. Gail, Stephen (Todd Boyce), Nick (Ben Price), David and Sarah all come together to find out what their plans are. They are quietly convinced that Audrey will leave everything to their family, but they are all stunned by what she says next.
Audrey announces that in memory of her beloved late husband Alfie, she plans to bequeath her entire estate to WARTS – the Weatherfield Association of Retail Traders, of which Alfie was an enthusiastic member.
As the news sinks in, every family member is in shock as she has been expunged from her will.
Will Audrey give in and change her mind again?
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