After waking up thinking about what I had to study for on Sunday morning, I realized I didn’t need it anymore. After two years of work, it’s all over.
Last Friday I officially completed my Leaving Cert and secondary school education. It hasn’t completely sunk yet.
I’ve been laughing and crying over the last few days trying to understand exactly what I’ve completed and achieved. Relief and realization can be time consuming.
My respect for past Leaving Cert students has gone through the roof. They didn’t have the choices we had and definitely had a much more difficult exam. Expect continuous evaluation.
Students will not be able to see the exam results until September 2, but until then they will be able to concentrate on the summer. It is not the summer weather.
I’m looking forward to my summer job, continuing with journalism and writing, and working on various projects that had to be put on hold for months as exams were prioritized. So far, summer (and certainly the future) looks bright.
I would like to add that I received some nice messages on social media from people who enjoy reading my article.
These have always made my day, and I thank them forever for their support. But when was the last time you received the handwritten letter by email?
When I entered school last Thursday for a music exam, my secretary gave me a letter.
She told me it arrived at the post for me that morning. When I opened the envelope, I found a handwritten letter addressed to “Leaving Cert Diarist in 2022”.
You know who you are, and I want to tell you how meaningful it is to me. Thank you for taking the time.
It brought tears to my eyes and motivated me the day before. Keep it forever. Do not underestimate the power of the pen.
Much is happening in the world today, and in our own personal life it is a time of trial. Perhaps, however, this is the exact period we need to be kind to each other.
What did you take from your exam experience?
Work hard. Please be careful. don’t give up. It will not be solved. Besides, it all will work the way it is intended.
To all the students taking part in the postponement exam in July, my last words are to you. These exams will not be your entire life. You don’t stay long, so keep going-not as bad as you play it in your head.
You will accomplish it, and when you do, we all light candles for you.
Alexa – Play Dancing Queen According to ABBA.
Amelhyne O’Regan-Farineau is a student at St Mary’s Secondary School in Ballina, Mayo.She hosts her own podcast “Talk About It” for teens and young adults