Apple’s silicone chip-powered laptops have become very popular because of the power they bring to the table. The Cupertino tech giant recently introduced two new computers – MacBook Air and MacBook Pro with the new M2 chip. This chip is more powerful than the M1 chip and will give users an enhanced experience with the 13.6-inch MacBook Air and 13-inch MacBook Pro. Apple is reportedly working on the new M3 chip, which the company will launch next year with a fresh MacBook Air 13-inch, MacBook Air 15-inch, MacBook Pro 13-inch, and a new iMac.
Apple launches several new Macs later this year
While Mark Gurman has revealed that Apple will be launching new M3-powered Macs next year, there are still variants of the M2 chip that we have yet to see. Apple is also expected to launch several new Macs with the M2 Pro, M2 Max, M2 Ultra and M2 Extreme chips later this year.
These Macs will be one of the most powerful computing systems in the world. Apple is also expected to launch a fresh product in the near future. In addition to the new 14-inch and 16-inch MacBook Pro powered by the M2 Pro and M2 Max chips, Apple is reportedly going to introduce its AR / MR headset powered by the M2 processor.
Following this, Apple was able to launch the redesigned Mac Pro powered by the M2 Ultra and M2 Extreme chips.
The M3 chip is likely to be built by the TSMC (Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Company) using the 3nm process. Note that both the M1 and the M2 chips were made with the 5nm process. So it can be really expected that the M3 powered Macs will be very powerful and can give a significant boost to the performance and efficiency as compared to the M1 and M2 chips. The M2-powered MacBook Pro is now available in India.