Following the strike of the railway workers last week led by The National Union of Rail, Maritime and Transport Workers (RMT), doctors and medics were inspired to fight for their own salary increase and threaten strikes. The doctors promised that “now is the time to fight” amid the cost-of-living crisis, rising inflation and strikes by other workers.
The British Medical Association’s (BMA) annual conference in Brighton was voted on by representatives to force ministers to approve a salary increase.
It is argued by the BMA that the increase will ensure that refunds are made for the actual salary reductions that have taken place since 2008.
Speaking at the conference, Dr Emma Runswick supported the motion, saying: “Pay recovery is the right, fair and moral thing to do, but it is a significant demand and it will not be easy to win.
“Every part of the BMA must plan how to achieve this. But I am not foolish, I know it is likely that industrial action will be needed to move the governments on this issue. “
The actual wage cuts allegedly cost doctors “millions of pounds” which Dr Runswick called “outrageous”.
The doctor added: “All around us, workers come together in unions and win big – last month 22 per cent of the pickups in Manchester; Gatwick airport workers won a 21 percent salary increase two weeks ago, and in March, cleaners and porters at Croydon Hospital won a 24 percent salary increase.
“Those workers came together and used a key tool that unions have – the ability to collectively organize, collectively negotiate and collectively withdraw our labor… vote for this motion and I see you on the wicket lines.”
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The doctors said they were fed up with “sitting on our hands” and took note of their support for industrial action to get their salary increase approved.
Joanna Sutton-Klein, 28, a student accident and emergency physician, said: “Some people may think the demand for full pay recovery is too high – they may even think it is outrageous.
“But I’ll tell you what’s outrageous … that our salary is still being cut.”