Luciana Berger rejoins the Labor Party after leaving over an argument over anti-Semitism

Luciana Berger rejoins the Labor Party after leaving over an argument over anti-Semitism


uciana Berger rejoins the labour party after leaving four years ago over concerns about anti-Semitism.

Mrs. Berger, originally from Wembley in the northwest London and the MP for Liverpool Wavertree for nearly a decade, left Labor in the spring of 2019, becoming one of many disillusioned MPs fleeing mainstream parties to form The Independent Group.

She cited a “sea of ​​cases” of anti-Semitism within Labor and accused the top executives of choosing to “sweep any complaints under the carpet”.

Labor Party leader sir Keith Starmer has said he is “delighted” that Ms Berger has accepted his invitation to rejoin the party.

He wrote on Twitter: “My test for change was whether those rightly shocked by how far we had fallen believe this is their party again.

“I know we have more to do, but we are unrecognizable to the party that forced her out.”

Ms Berger tweeted: “The Labor Party has made a major turnaround under Keir’s leadership. I am happy to return to my political home.”

Sir Keir posted images of letters exchanged with Ms Berger, writing: “I look forward to rejoining the party and working with you to continue what you have started.

“It’s time to replace this reckless and divisive government and finally make the difference our country so desperately deserves.”

In her letter, she said it was a “grim journey” from 2015 to 2019 “in which the company fell into the depths of the abyss under the reign of Jeremy Corbyn”.

She said it was “tormentative” to be put in a position where she had no choice but to leave her “political home”.

She said: “I never expected to witness the magnitude and toxicity of anti-Jewish racism embraced by people who were allowed to join Labour, and to experience a leadership that has pushed anti-Semitism within the ranks of the party differently than any other kind of racism. — and that by refusing to condemn it, it encouraged it.

“But that’s exactly what happened.”

Sir Keir, in his letter to Ms Berger, said she had left the party because she had been “driven out by intimidation, thuggishness and racism”, adding: “Your move was a principled and courageous one.

“But it was one you should never have taken. That day will forever be a stain on Labor history.”

He wrote: “Before you were forced out of the party you were an excellent MP.”

He said the party and British politics are “poorer places” without her, and apologized to her for the “unbearable and unacceptable” experience she had.

“The abuse you endured was disgusting. You were left isolated and exposed. Embarrassingly those who should have defended you stood there.

“The PvdA – our party – has always prided itself on being a party of equality, collectivism, solidarity and anti-racism.

“But during those dark days we were none of those things,” wrote Sir Keir.

The human rights watchdog found that the party had violated equality law over its handling of anti-Semitism complaints.

A scathing report by the Equality and Human Rights Commission (EHRC) in 2020 found that the party was responsible for unlawful harassment and discrimination.

Mr Corbyn rejected some of the report’s findings, claiming that the issue had been “drastically exaggerated for political reasons” by his critics.

His comments led to Labor headquarters expelling him from the party.

Sir Keir said the findings of the EHRC inquiry were “difficult to read”, adding that it was “a day of shame for the Labor Party”.

Meanwhile, in another boost for Labour, Lord Sainsbury has confirmed his return and a reported donation of £2 million.

In a statement published by The Observer newspaper, he said: “I believe Keir Starmer has the leadership skills and ability to deal with the economic difficulties we are currently facing.

“He also wants to reunite the country around an agenda of economic growth and social justice, something I strongly support.

“I am therefore helping the Labor party financially, because I don’t think democratic elections should be determined by which party can raise the most money, and because I want Keir Starmer to become prime minister as soon as possible. ”

A Labor Party spokesman said: “Donors are coming back to Labor because they can see we are a changed party serious about getting into government and building a fairer, greener and more dynamic Britain.

“We are very grateful for all the support, big or small, as we prepare for the next general election.

“Thanks to Keir Starmer’s leadership, the Labor Party is in a strong and positive financial position, with significant income growth in 2022, leaving us debt and deficit free.”