Vladimir Putin faces growing opposition from Russian hardliners to the Kremlin’s handling of the war Ukraine. In Donetsk, Igor Girkin, also known as Strelkov, a former leader of Russian militants has announced the formation of a new group called the “club of angry patriots”. Strelkov, who is also known to have been a saboteur for the Federal Security Service of Russiaposted a video on YouTube, in which he spoke about the deteriorating situation on the contact line and the negative impact it is having on the country.
Strelkov said: “We are creating a ‘club of angry patriots’… Unfortunately, the situation on the contact line, which the media covers up in every possible way, has an extremely negative impact on the situation throughout the country.
“I’m not afraid to say we’re headed for military defeat… We’ve entered a long, protracted war for which our economy was totally unprepared. Our military and political system weren’t ready either.”