Waterford actor, writer, director and comedian Tony Kelly became addicted to prescription drugs in 2008. Now three and a half years sober, he says he owes everything in his life to the addiction treatment he received
'I took Valium for the first time at the end of 2008. A relationship I was in ended abruptly and I was having a really hard time mentally. My mother gave me Valium to sleep that night because I was panicking. I can't even describe how that made me feel. It was just the answer to everything I was missing. About a day later she gave me another and that evening I snuck downstairs and took a second one.
A few weeks later I went to the doctor and was given antidepressants and Xanax, which I started abusing almost immediately. It's funny, I was so anti-drugs when I was a teenager. I remember ending friendships with people because they started smoking pot. I always loved to drink, but I didn't think of Xanax and Valium as drugs because you could get them from a doctor.