How to secure a last minute university place on the day your A-level results are announced

How to secure a last minute university place on the day your A-level results are announced

A-level results day is a moment of joy and triumph for manyas students prepare for life at the university of their choice.

But for others it can be a very stressful time when their results don't go to plan and they just missing their required grades.

While many students are still finding a place in their insurance choices, there are some who completely miss the mark and you will need to go through the Ucas Clearing process to find an alternative institution.

Students who perform better than expected can also use the system to find an alternative university.

University leaders expect a record number of students to use Clearing this year to 'step up' as more prestigious courses are added to the system.

Here we explain everything you need to know about the Clearing process and how you can secure a place at university, regardless of your result.

What is clearing?

Clearing is the system for matching students with places on university or college courses. You can use Clearing to find a course if you haven't achieved the grades listed in your offers.

You can also use the system if you are considering transferring to another course because your grades are better than predicted, after having your original placement rejected.

According to Ucas, a record number of 18-year-olds secured university places through Clearing last year, with more than 38,000 people using the system to complete a degree.

This represented a 14 per cent increase from 2022 and involved a third of all students using Clearing to secure a better offer than their original offer.

What time does Ucas open?

Students can register for their university via Ucas from 8am on Thursday 15 August.

At the same time, students can receive a breakdown of all their exam results by visiting their school or college, or by having them sent by email or post. They can also arrange for a family member or friend to collect their results.

Ucas Hub will start updating A-level students from approximately 8.15am, showing the status of their university offers.

This can be a confirmed place of their company's choice, a confirmed place of their insurance's choice, or neither – making them eligible for Clearing.

It can also include more unusual options, such as students being offered a place on another course at their regular university choice. This normally happens when students miss their main offer and they do not have to accept it.

When does Clearing open?

From Thursday 15 August at 1:00 PM, students can add a Clearing option.

According to Ucas, applicants should wait until they have their exam results before contacting universities and colleges about potential vacancies.

Registrations remain open until October 21, but some courses close earlier depending on their popularity.

Which universities are accessible through Clearing?

The vast majority of universities in the UK offer courses through Clearing, including some of the country's top institutions.

The Russell Group represents 24 world-class, research-intensive universities, and 18 of these are offering at least one course through Clearing this year.

Some universities have announced whether they still have places available from 5 July, giving students the opportunity to research available courses and universities and prepare for all kinds of scenarios.

Others are waiting until students receive their A-level grades on Thursday before making the courses available.

Are there no universities available?

Oxford and Cambridge do not offer places through Clearing.

Are there only a limited number of topics available?

No. It used to be unheard of for high-enrolment courses like medicine to be offered through Clearing, but that has changed.

It is expected that additional places will be made available for courses with a higher competitive qualification. These include courses such as medicine, dentistry and nursing.

Can you reapply to a university that rejected you?

With Clearing you can apply to any university with vacancies, even if you were rejected the first time.

If you see a course that you like and that meets the admission requirements, please contact the admissions team and discuss your options.

What is Clearing Plus?

Clearing Plus was introduced in 2020 to help anyone who has not found a suitable home or is applying through Clearing for the first time.

If you are in Clearing, look in Track for a button called 'View Matches'. Here you can view the courses that Ucas thinks are right for you, taking into account your original choices and your qualifications and grades.

Ucas describes it as a kind of 'matchmaking', but for university courses.

If you see a course you like, you can click on 'Interested'. The university or college can then contact you. You can do this for up to five choices at a time.

Please note that courses in Clearing fill up quickly and you may not always receive a call, so please also search for courses in Clearing using the search function.

Indicating that you are interested in a course through Clearing Plus does not mean that you will actually receive an offer.

How do you make a decision via Clearing?

Clearing requires you to call universities and colleges to try to secure a place before you can include them as a choice in your application.

What do you need:

  • Your personal identification number
  • Your Clearing Number
  • your grades/UCAS tariff points
  • information about why you want a place
  • the name of the university
  • phone number
  • course code and title

Find a quiet place to make the call and be positive and polite when speaking to the university or college representative.

Take your time to make an informed decision and don't forget to seek advice from family members, friends and teachers.

Only add a Clearing choice if you have permission from the university or college. You can only add one choice at a time and each confirmation will come via Ucas Track and by email.