Monkey pox: Expert expresses caution after ‘rapid spread in recent weeks’ – ‘Warning shot’ | World | News

Daniel Bausch, a member of the International Health Regulations (IHR) Emergency Committee agreed upon by the World Health Organization, wrote a piece in the Telegraph warning of the threat posed by monkey pox. His piece comes days after the National Institutes of Health confirmed the virus has mutated up to 12 times the normal rate since 2018.

The virus is spread by contact with an infected person or by infected surfaces.

However, experts believe it differs from COVID-19 in that it is not as easily transmitted, that it is not as prone to mutations and that it is a DNA virus as opposed to an RNA virus.

Mr Bausch wrote about the virus in the Telegraph, saying: “Monkey pox is another warning shot for the world.

“The rapid spread of the virus over the past few weeks has highlighted the threat posed by emerging new infections and shone a spotlight on gaps in the global response to disease control.”

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He added: “In the last six months, there have been more than 3,000 confirmed cases of monkey pox in almost 50 mostly high-income countries.

“In contrast, with increasing surveillance and declining population immunity since the end of smallpox vaccination in 1980, the number of monkey pox cases and deaths in Africa has averaged more than 2,000 cases and 50-100 deaths each year since 2017.”

Despite Mr Bausch’s concerns, he was part of the committee that decided that the current outbreak did not pose a “public health emergency of international concern”.

Bausch, looking at how to combat the virus, stated: “For both ethical and strategic reasons, our only way forward is to accept this new reality of our interconnected world, and to redouble our efforts to control disease. in places where it is endemic. ” .

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“We need to invest in smarter, integrated and agile tools and approaches that can structurally impact health systems in each country so that we can germinate various emerging diseases before they get out of hand – not wait until they reach high incomes. Regions and populations.

“It means a fairer prioritization of global disease threats and agendas for research and public health programs, as well as the creation of manufacturing capacity and stable pipelines for diagnostic tests, vaccines and therapeutic agents to address needs and ensure access in low- and middle-income countries. … all trained by appropriate regulatory and ethical frameworks. “