The Moto X30 Pro will be launched in China on August 2. The smartphone’s 200MP primary camera and 125W GaN fast charging are previously confirmed features. The Moto X30 Pro is believed to be the Motorola phone with the model number XT2241-1 spotted on the TENAA certification website. According to the alleged advertisement, this smartphone could have up to 512 GB of storage space and 16 GB of RAM. In addition, the Moto S30 Pro may be another Motorola smartphone with the model number XT2243-2 listed on TENAA.
Moto X30 Pro specs
The Moto X30 Pro is rumored to have a 6.67-inch OLED screen with a Full-HD+ (1,080×2,400 pixels) resolution. The Snapdragon 8+ Gen 1 SoC is expected to be packaged on the device. The smartphone weighs about 195 grams and has dimensions of 161.7×73.5×8.3 mm. The Moto X30 Pro will feature the world’s first smartphone with a 200MP sensor, according to Motorola. According to the alleged TENAA listing, this smartphone can include a quad-camera setup and record 8K footage. The battery of the smartphone may be 4,450 mAh and will allow fast charging of 125 W. It can come in a variety of colors, including black, blue, cyan, green, gold, gray, red, silver, and white.
Moto S30 Pro specs
The Moto S30 Pro is considered to be another Motorola smartphone with the model number XT2243-2 that has appeared on TENAA. It is rumored to have a 6.55-inch OLED display with a resolution of 1,080 x 2,040 pixels. According to the TENAA listing, this smartphone may feature an octa-core CPU clocked at 2.995GHz, which is believed to be a Snapdragon 888+ SoC. The 4,270 mAh battery in the Moto S30 Pro can enable fast charging at 68 W. It is said to weigh 170g and measure 158.4 x 71.9 x 7.6mm. Black, blue, cyan, gold, gray, red, silver and white are possible color options for this phone. It may have 128 GB, 256 GB or 512 GB of storage and 8 GB, 12 GB or 16 GB of RAM.
Similar features for the Motorola Edge 30 Fusion with the model number XT2243-1 appeared in the FCC database. This device is considered to be the global rebranded version of the Moto S30 Pro.