Empire launched the Path X in India a few days ago with a bunch of other AIoT products, including the Watch 3 and his first PC monitor, called Realme flat monitor Full HD. On the sidelines of the launch, we spoke with Mr. Madhav Sheth – CEO of Realme India, VP of Realme and President of Realme International Business Group – to learn more about Realme’s product roadmap for H2 2022.
Sheth told us that Realme will be launching at least four new products in India in the coming months, including a 5G smartphone in the INR 10,000 ($126/€123) to INR 15,000 ($190/€185) category, which, according to the De Indian CEO said it will be “a much-needed addition, especially in the run-up to the 5G rollout in India expected to take place in the second half of 2022.”
Madhav Sheth – CEO of Realme India, VP of Realme and President of Realme International Business Group
Sheth also revealed that Realme will introduce 2-3 new categories in the sustainable consumer segment, and the company will share more information about it soon.
In addition, Sheth said we should be able to see better smartphone output in the second half of 2022 as the chipset shortage has eased.
We hope this means the Realme 10 series will arrive in H2 2022, as the Realme 9 lineup, which was set to debut in 2021, was launched this year due to chipset shortage.
If Realme plans to launch the Realme 10 this year, we could see them announcing it during or before the Diwali festival – which comes in October – to take advantage of the holiday sales.