AN INTERIOR design expert has a simple tip that will make any standard room more appealing to visitors.
Julie Sousaknown as @the_avantgarde on TikToksaid mixing warm and cool textures is key.
She said that warm textures are things like wood, textiles, bamboo and clay.
Cool textures are concrete, glass, metal and stone.
“I like the clear glass shades,” said one commenter.

“Design is really just an opinion.”
“If you prefer a minimalist look, don’t do this haha,” another person retorted.
“You don’t have to use those shades haha.”
“Over all that art, to explain why we are so fascinated by it. Those patterns are the principles of design,” explains Sousa.
“The key to making rooms look interesting is to place objects with opposite properties next to each other, such as adding wood or woven materials in a bathroom or combining wood with concrete,” she said.
“In design, this is called juxtaposition and it’s critical to generating interest.”
But other commentators were more appreciative of the advice.

“You just made my life so much easier for some of the choices I have to make,” said one.
“You learn something new every day, thanks for this info!”