Scottish News: Prime Minister Allows SNP Referendum and Calls for “Sending Separatist Packing” | Politics | News

Nicola Sturgeon yesterday presented her party’s “route map” for another vote on her position in the UK, which she hopes will be held in October next year. However, she argues that this must be a “legal and constitutional referendum” and is approaching the British Supreme Court on the legality of the Scottish Government’s movement.

Telegraph Assistant Editor Philip Johnston emphasized that this puts the Prime Minister in a difficult position.

He writes:

“If it disagrees with her, she will prove that Scotland is a vassal nation and will fight the general election on a single issue of independence.”

Johnson argued that it wasn’t the time for the second independent vote.

In response to the new referendum call, he said:

“I think we should respect it.”

Mr. Sturgeon emphasized that it was the British government, not the SNP, that failed to “respect Scottish democracy.”

She added that Scottish democracy is not a “Boris Johnson prisoner or prime minister” who refuses to vote.

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“Let her referendum and let the separatists pack only once.”

Scotland’s Tory leader Douglas Ross responded to Ms. Sturgeon’s presentation of the purpose of the independence vote, saying that the prime minister reiterated that “selfish attachment to the SNP’s split referendum is always a top priority. I showed it. ” The debate will lead to the prioritization of other political issues.

However, in order for the SNP to allow a referendum based on the closing of the debate, it must be based on the belief that the same side of the debate will win.

Ms. Sturgeon asserts that Scotland knew that Britain was leaving the EU in 2014. They would have “definitely” voted for Scottish independence.

Some people suggest that Polling shows that the Scottish people haven’t really changed their minds since 2014, but this is, of course, after a long intensive campaign for independence. It is subject to change.