Boris Johnson faces a “kangaroo court” over the investigation of the “lie” at the party gate.

Boris Johnson faces a “kangaroo court” over the investigation of the “lie” at the party gate.

If the MP decides that Mr Johnson has deliberately lied to the Commons and he is suspended from the House of Representatives, it will almost certainly trigger another vote of no confidence in his leadership.

The news came after Johnson refused three times whether he was planning a steep election this year.

The Privileges Commission claimed that Johnson “misunderstood the house” when he claimed that “all guidance was followed by number 10” and that “there was no party” in Downing Street during the blockade of Covid. He said he had begun work to find out if he did.

The committee consists of seven members, four Tory Party, two Labor Party, and one SNP: “From the outbreak of these incidents to the present, Covid-19 at 10 Downing Street and the Cabinet Office. We were seeking proof of Johnson’s knowledge of regulatory activities. “, And” Briefings or inquiries given to Johnson in connection with these events. “

The Commission will also “confirm that it willingly receive verbal or written evidence from those who wish to remain anonymous” by July 29, and Johnson’s former or current colleague will submit evidence to him. Increased the possibility.

A report by senior civil servant Sue Gray about the Downing Street party kept the witness’s identity secret, but one No. 10 source disputes Johnson’s virtually audible anonymous evidence. Said it would be difficult.

How can insiders cross-examine “defendant” questions / anonymous evidence? “.

Johnson’s MP friend added: Do you trust the results? That is a disadvantage for the House of Commons. “

The appointment of Mr. Harman is also a concern after Labor Party Kris Bryant has set aside to ensure fairness due to previous criticisms of Mr. Johnson.

Telegraph said this month that Camberwell and Peckham Labor lawmaker Ms. Harman suggested in a social media message that Mr Johnson had misleaded lawmakers against illegal parties.