Nicola Sturgeon’s horror | politics | news as the Scottish economy plunges faster than Britain

Scotland’s onshore GDP fell by -0.5% in April, according to statistics released by the Scottish Government. This represents a higher number than the UK, which fell -0.3%. Meanwhile, Scotland’s GDP remained above the pre-pandemic level of 0.6% in February 2020.

This is compared to 0.9% in the rest of the UK, suggesting a slow recovery in Scotland. Economic Minister Liz Smith of the Scottish Conservatives, following the statistics, blasted the SNP, saying:

“And production levels show that the Scottish economy is recovering more slowly than the rest of the UK.

“Once again, as a direct result of SNPs ignoring our economy, we are lagging behind our closest neighbors.

“Instead of tackling our lack of skills and focusing on recovery, nationalists are launching a split referendum that distracts us from the work needed to rebuild.”

The numbers come after Boris Johnson today said Britain is stronger together as a single economic unit.

Scottish Prime Minister Nicola Sturgeon announced plans to hold a second referendum on Scottish independence in October next year, taking legal steps to ensure the vote if the British government tries to prevent it. I vowed to take it. When asked about this plan, Johnson said:

“Our economy is all stronger when we are together.”

The SNP recently faced intense criticism of ring fencing £ 20m of public funding for next year’s referendum. At the time, Smith said:

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“Scotland’s tough families are struggling to reach their goals, so SNPs must urgently overcome the decline of our economy.”

SNP Treasury Secretary Kate Forbes defended economic strategy, revealing that the Scottish government must “prioritize” spending and not all policy areas are one.

She added that the economic problems facing Scotland further reflect the need for an independent vote. Spending like a government with much larger means. “

Mr. Sturgeon also said in the past that he did not consider GDP to be an accurate measure of a country’s success, and that Scotland “redefined” what this meant. She said at a conference in 2020 that Scotland is creating an economy as basic as GDP.

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GDP, a measure of goods and services, has been criticized for underestimating quality of life, which is also questioned in Scotland. Life expectancy for Scottish men and women has fallen most dramatically in 40 years and is accelerating under the supervision of Ms. Sturgeon. The average life expectancy of Scottish men born today is 77, the lowest in the UK, while the average life expectancy of women is 81.

Meanwhile, the SNP government is plagued by a sustainable achievement gap between the rich and the poor. This is what Ms. Sturgeon said that closing was her “decisive mission.”

At the age of 11, there is a 20 percent gap between the writing, reading, and counting abilities of the richest and poorest students, according to Scottish Government data. The situation is also difficult for the Scottish NHS, with 8,000 patients waiting for a four-hour or longer standard to be seen in last month’s A & E. This accounts for nearly one-third of all patients who go.