A Korean family dies after Terra Luna accident;  Details

A Korean family dies after Terra Luna accident; Details

After Terra and Luna crashed to $ 0, a family of three went missing in South Korea, including their 10-year-old daughter.

Police recovered a car believed to belong to the missing family of three from the waters off the island of Wando, South Jeolla. The body of an adult male was in the driver’s seat while two female bodies were in the back seat, reports the leading Korean publication Korea JoongAng Daily.

The family’s Audi reportedly plunged 32 feet under the water. Police used a 25-tonne loaded cargo equipped with a crane to pull the car out of the water. According to police reports, the car’s trunk was smashed, presumably after a collision. Police confirmed that they had recovered the vehicle’s suitcases, packed with clothes and other personal items. The bodies found were sent to the National Forensic Service for an autopsy.

The man is reported to have run a computer store but closed his business last year. Moreover, the reason for closing his business has yet to be discovered.

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Why did Terra and Luna come into the picture?

The 10-year-old girl’s parents informed the school that they were taking their daughter on a month-long trip to Jeju from May 19 to June 15. The school lodged a missing complaint with the police on June 22 after the girl failed to return to school. School authorities said in the complaint that the girl’s parents were unreachable over the phone.

On May 30, police found circuit television footage of the family at a holiday rental unit near Wando’s Myeongsasimni beach. The footage shows an unconscious little girl who is believed to be their daughter being carried by her mother. The father is seen walking next to them and holding a white plastic bag leaving the venue, reports Korea JoongAng Daily.

CCTV cameras on the road caught their Audi on their way to Songgok harbor minutes after they left their accommodation. Police seized the father’s cellphone signals last May 31, at 4am, at the exact location of Songgok harbor.

Police are considering the possibility that the family’s car may have crashed into the sea.

Korea’s JoongAng Daily, however, reported that police had taken a warrant from the court to search the family’s browsing history. The Korean daily quoted an anonymous official as saying that the parents regularly searched for the “Moon coin.” The official further noted that the browsing history contains “sleeping pills” and “Ways to make an extreme choice.”

In addition, it is unknown whether the family invested money in TerraUST or Luna. The Korean daily also reported that the family was staying at a luxurious and expensive accommodation. They also quoted the owner of the housing, saying the family had paid their bills for six nights.

Police are investigating whether the family took the extreme step or whether it was a road accident.