Peter Andre refuses to buy a daughter’s princess puppy on her 15th birthday

Peter Andre refuses to buy a daughter’s princess puppy on her 15th birthday

Peter Andre doesn’t think puppies fit the princess’s lifestyle so far (Photo: Instagram / YouTube)

Peter Andre revealed that he shut down the princess puppy’s request on his 15th birthday. This is because it is not fair to dogs.

The princess turns 15 this week and her father, Peter, 49, has always asked for a puppy on her birthday, but her schedule means it’s not a feasible option so far. To do.

I explained OK in his column! Magazine: “Princess” This week is my 15th birthday. Every year she is desperate for a dog, but it must always be explained that it is not a six-month promise.

“Of course, she’s getting old enough to do her own thing and spend time with her friends, so she should.

“And when I and Emily are at work and with the kids at school, it doesn’t seem fair to the dog.”

Peter added, “It doesn’t seem like it’s the right time,” but he was able to change his mind about making the princess his pet.

The princess asked for a puppy for her present (Photo: Instagram)

But her birthday present this year will be the clothes she wanted and other gifts he hasn’t decided on yet.

A proud dad recently presented his son, Jr., with a dream car on his 17th birthday, even though his teens couldn’t drive yet.

Junior received a £ 25,000 black Audi on his own personalized license plate. And he said to his followers:’I couldn’t thank you anymore.

Junior Andre receives 25k cars from his dad Peter on his 17th birthday

Junior received £ 25,000 Audi from his father on his birthday, so there’s no pressure on the princess’s present … (Photo: officialjunior_andre, instagram)

“We will release our debut single Slide on Friday, June 17th. My dad got my dream car.”

In commenting on the junior post, the mysterious girl singer said:’My son. I am very proud of it in every respect. You deserve it all. I am very happy because you love your gifts. “

There is no pressure to get a princess, and …

Pete also shared his pride after his junior debut single, Slide, reached number one on the iTunes charts and listened to the first radio on Kiss FM.

He told Junior to “cherish the moment,” revealing that he celebrated an amazing achievement early in his career.

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