Bromley’s stinks are unlikely to cause long-term problems, Canterbury health officials say

The Director of Public Health, Kansas Berry, admits that people suffering from Bromley stinks are passing through hell, but keep in mind that health records may not be the best way to monitor their effects. People experiencing nausea, headaches, and sleep disorders are increasingly concerned about long-term exposure to sulfur gas coming from wastewater treatment facilities damaged by fires in the suburbs.

However, while there is evidence that people are physically and mentally suffering from stinks, Canterbury Health Officer Cheryl Brunton is “very unlikely” to have long-term problems with current hydrogen sulfide levels. “.

Dr. Lucy Dace, a colleague of Brunton’s district health committee, told the city council committee that it was clear that people were struggling.

“For those who have a very sensitive scent sensation, this is hell, we admit it,” she said.

The council urged the DHB to consider establishing a health registry in response to community concerns about months of stink coming from the factory’s two burnout watering filters and overloaded oxidative ponds. ..

Brunton said registering with the Council’s Treasury and Performance Committee would be difficult to set up and maintain and would not address the issue directly.

“People suffering from the effects of odors are very eager and anxious to actually be recognized. Health records do not really address people’s health needs,” she says. I did.

“Registers are actually a rather difficult and clumsy way to give people access to care.”

The most commonly reported symptoms of GP were nausea, headache, eye, throat, skin irritation, worsening asthma, and sleep disorders, Dr. Brunton said.

“All of this is very consistent with exposure to hydrogen sulfide at the types of concentrations measured by council monitoring,” she said.

She also stated that the patient reported considerable distress, frustration, and helplessness.

Although the concentrations measured so far are unlikely to have long-term health effects, Dr. Brunton said some people remain particularly odor-sensitive.

“They may experience some of these health effects at very low concentrations in the future,” she said.

“For those people, their health effects have improved, but they may not be completely resolved.”

Wastewater treatment facility staff are still working on a system to do the work of the two sprinkler beds, which will be completed by next week.

Helen Beaumont, chairman of the three body of water council, said it could take at least six weeks for the odor from the oxide pond to improve.

“We have to wait three weeks for the biomass to settle, and then it will take at least three weeks, and in some cases a little longer, for the water to flow through these six ponds,” she said.

“It takes a month or so for the water to pass completely.”

According to Beaumont, the wastewater discharged into the sea does not meet environmental standards, but tests have shown that it does not affect the water quality of the beach.

-Jean Edwards