You have the eyes of an eagle when you can see the straight lines in optical illusion – stare until your head hurts

THIS optical illusion is so difficult that anyone who can imagine it must have eagle eyes.

Cognitive psychologist Dr. Gavin Buckingham recently an optical illusion posted on Twitter that is blowing people’s minds everywhere.


These oblique rows are actually perfectly horizontal according to cognitive psychologist Dr. Gavin BuckinghamCredit: TWITTER/@DrGBuckingham

Buckingham wrote a caption along with an attached image of the illusion, explaining what needs to be seen and where it comes from.

“The horizontal lines are actually parallel, and not slanted at all. Look at the distance between them at the beginning and the end of each row if you don’t believe it. Wonderful version of the cafe wall illusion, by Victoria Skye,” he says.

For reference, the picture from Victoria Skye contains a detailed pattern with horizontal lines that appear angular at first glance.

However, if you have the vision that allows you to do this, if you look really close and look at the beginning and end of each row, as Buckingham says, the lines will be horizontal.

For those who struggled with it, Buckingham explained that high contrast is needed to see the illusion properly.

“This effect is caused by the small areas of high contrast in the corner of each ‘square.’ If you can’t see the contrast sharply, the effect isn’t there,” he explained.

Viewers in the comments were amazed at the simplicity and effect of the optical illusion.

They also including their own variations in subsequent answers to test others.