August 14 Daily Deals: $60 off Apple TV 4K, $15 off Magic Trackpad, $200 off Mac Studio, more

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Sunday’s best offers include a 14-inch M1 Pro MacBook Pro for $1,795, an LG 77-inch OLED 4K Smart TV for $1,000 off, and much more.

Every day, AppleInsider searches online retailers to find offers and discounts on Apple devices, hardware, accessories, smart TVs and other products. The best discoveries are placed in our daily deals post for you to enjoy.

While items may be out of stock, you may still be able to order at the discounted price for later delivery when they become available again. Also, Amazon discounts tend to finish quickly so it may be a good idea to buy sooner rather than later.

Top Deals for August 14

Other top deals, still going strong

Best deals for August 13