Sturgeon’s push for IndyRef2, GP strikes and Roe v Wade fueled Telegraph readers this week

Sturgeon’s push for IndyRef2, GP strikes and Roe v Wade fueled Telegraph readers this week

Nicola Sturgeon’s renewed push for a second Scottish independence referendum, GPs voting in favor of strikes, and Tory MP Danny Kruger joining the overthrow of Roe v Wade were three key points of discussion this week.

Below, we reveal the most eagerly discussed topics of conversation from Telegraph readers in the comments section and Letters pages. You can also join the discussion below.

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Sturgeon’s renewed push for IndyRef2

Tuesday saw Nicola Sturgeon mislead the British government by sending its independence struggle to the British Supreme Court. The move sparked a variety of reactions from our readers, many of whom agreed with Philip Johnston that Ms Sturgeon should hold her referendum, if only to see SNP’s plans fail. Others accused the Prime Minister of overstepping her borders and poisoning Scotland-England relations.

@Anthony Smith:

Boris Johnson is not blocking anything. Nicola Sturgeon is trying to do something that is far beyond her remit as head of a regional assembly that covers less than the population of Yorkshire.

“Let’s also not forget that the Prime Minister set her own bar for a ‘mandate’ for a referendum and failed to meet it. She claimed she would have such a mandate if a majority of Scots voted for the SNP They didn’t – and in fact she had to form an dodgy coalition with the Greens to get a majority in Holyrood.”

@William Kelly:

“I am a trade unionist by nature, but I am getting tired of Nicola Sturgeon’s attention to Indyref2 and the neglect of Scotland’s domestic problems. Call Nicola Sturgeon’s bluff, give her the referendum she wants and, if the Scots vote for it, let Let’s see how well an independent Scotland does when the money and privileges run out.”

@Jamie Nicole:

“And if Nicola Sturgeon loses the vote again, what then? Another vote in seven years? This sets a precedent that referendums can be called on a whim with ridiculous regularity. The UK cannot function that way.

“Boris Johnson’s argument may sound weak, but it is absolutely correct. The Scots have had their chance, they will have to wait a generation before voting on this issue again.”

GPs try strikes

GPs voted this week in favor of industrial action over a new contract that forces practices to open on Saturday. Readers were divided on the issue, with many arguing that doctors are already overpaid and that in order to earn better wages, they should work longer hours and improve patient care. Others argued that health care is not free, and if Brits want better service they should be prepared to pay more tax.

@Tony Foot, Mosterton, Dorset:

“SIR – I have no problem with doctors turning back the clock to reduce their salaries to the equivalent of 15 years ago. In return, however, their responsibilities from that time must also be restored.

“They need to provide 24/7 care to patients (relieving the burden on ER departments), as well as home visits, and most importantly provide personal appointments within 72 hours to anyone who wants or needs one.

“The deal they want has to cut both ways.”

@Al Cyoneous:

“Doctor salaries have fallen in real terms for 15 years in a row. People rightly expect appropriate compensation for their time, efforts and training. If you don’t want to pay the taxes for an experienced and highly trained medical professional, your wish will be granted, and you’ll struggle to see one.”

Tory MP weighs in on Roe v Wade

Following the U.S. Supreme Court’s decision to overturn Roe v Wade, Conservative MP Danny Kruger said women have no “absolute right to physical autonomy.” Readers have debated the legal and ethical considerations of the ruling, with many saying it should be left to women to decide. Others, however, agree with Mr Kruger that abortion is now too often used as a form of contraception.