Tory MP Suspended by Boris After Prime Minister Hits Latest Assault Charge | politics | News

The Conservative Party announced tonight that Mr Pincher had lost the whip in the parliamentary party just hours after leaving his government post. A statement said Boris Johnson has agreed that MP Pincher’s Conservative whip should be suspended while the MP is under investigation by the Independent Complaints and Grievance Scheme, a Tory spokeswoman said. Earlier, Labor had challenged the Prime Minister’s failure to take action after Pincher’s dramatic resignation last night.

Angela Rayner, deputy Labor leader, said: “The failure of Boris Johnson and the Conservatives to act only shows the rot that has grown at the heart of this government.

“If this Prime Minister had any decency, he would have suspended the Tory Whip.

“It is now up to the Conservative MPs who continue to support this Prime Minister’s paralyzed government to stand up, do the right thing and show him the door.”

After the suspension was confirmed, she said the prime minister should be involved in making the decision.

She said: “Boris Johnson has been dragged kicking and screaming to take any action.

“He just cannot be trusted to do the right thing. This whole scandal is yet another proof of his abominable judgment.

“It is time for Conservative MPs to show this chaotic Prime Minister the door before he can do any more damage.”

Despite the whip having been withdrawn and under investigation, Mr Pincher is still in line for a £7,920 “golden farewell” for resigning from his government position rather than being fired.

In his letter of resignation to the prime minister, Pincher admitted to embarrassing himself and “other people” after drinking too much.

In the letter, he wrote: “Last night I had way too much to drink. I embarrassed myself and other people and that is the last thing I want to do and for that I apologize to you and those involved.”

The letter continued: “I think it is appropriate in the circumstances that I resign as Deputy Chief Whip.

“I owe it to you and the people I’ve upset to do this.”

READ MORE: ‘There’s something rotten in the state of Tories,’ says DAVID MADDOX

Mr Pincher continued: “I want to assure you that you will continue to receive my full support from the back benches, and I wish you all the best as you deal with the aftershocks of Covid and the challenges of international inflation.

“It has been the honor of my life to have served in Her Majesty’s Government.”

Pincher, who was responsible for maintaining discipline among Tory MPs, has been the MP for Tamworth since 2010 and served as a minister under former Prime Minister Theresa May.

The incident took place while he was drinking at the Carlton Club in Piccadilly with claims that he allegedly groped two fellow guests at the exclusive venue.

The club is not far from Westminster and was the original home of the Conservative Party.


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