A culture of learning: how e-learning can cultivate it

A culture of learning: how e-learning can cultivate it

Rapid change necessitates a learning culture

As today’s business ecosystem, and the world in general, continues to undergo rapid technological and societal changes unlike any other in human history, organizations must be able to keep up with the pace of change, while also anticipate and prepare for future needs and challenges. For this reason, a culture of learning is a necessity for businesses and companies that want to stay competitive in this era of Industry 4.0.

A learning culture: what is it?

According to the Association for Talent Development, a learning culture is “a culture in which employees continuously seek, share, and apply new knowledge and skills to improve individual and organizational performance.” [1]. In a learning culture, employees are encouraged to learn new skills and gain new knowledge, while also collaborating with colleagues and communicating new information with others. Board of Directors (CEB) highlights that a learning culture “is a culture that supports an open mindset, an independent search for knowledge and shared learning focused on the mission and goals of the organization.”

A learning culture can encompass and encompass both formal and informal learning opportunities, but the provision of formal training, learning and development programs has a significant advantage. Companies that offer comprehensive training programs have a 218% higher income per employee than companies without formal training, and companies that offer these comprehensive training programs also see a 24% higher profit margin [2]. And since the average employee spends less than 25 minutes per week on formal learning, organizations targeting and implementing formal L&D (L&D) programs as part of a learning culture will ensure they reap the benefits of these structured approaches. [3].

Given the massive disruption to “business as usual” caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, cultivating a learning culture has never been more important than it is today. 66% of L&D professionals say their role has become a much more strategic part of their organization, and 68% of these L&D professionals say the urgency around implementing learning programs has increased dramatically.

Other benefits of a learning culture

Research shows that there are several benefits to cultivating a learning culture in an organization. Employees who work for companies that invest in learning resources are 83% more likely to feel happier in their job [4]. Happiness at work leads to more involvement, and therefore higher productivity. In fact, highly engaged organizations report 22% higher productivity [5].

Employees want a learning culture

Recent data supports the idea that employees themselves are looking for organizations that can truly provide a culture of learning:

  • 57% of US workers want to update their skills, and 48% would consider changing jobs [6].
  • 71% of employees say that training and development increases their job satisfaction.
  • 61% of employees say that upskilling opportunities are a major reason to stay in work.
  • 94% of employees would stay with their company if their company invested in their career [7].
  • 66% of workers aged 18-24 cited upskilling as the third most important benefit when assessing new jobs, after health insurance and disability benefits [8].
  • In addition, 86% of employees believe it is important that employers provide learning opportunities [4].

eLearning for a learning culture

eLearning can help business leaders and executives cultivate a culture of learning that benefits both employees and the company, enabling growth on both an individual and organizational level. Data proves that eLearning is an effective and efficient method of providing learning and development opportunities to employees, with several benefits:

  • eLearning typically takes employees 40-60% less time than learning in a traditional classroom setting [9].
  • 72% of companies say eLearning helps them maintain a competitive advantage by keeping abreast of technological change.
  • 42% of companies say eLearning has improved revenue [9].
  • Every dollar spent on eLearning results in an increase of $30 in productivity.

eLearning with expertly designed training videos gives employees the flexibility to learn at their own pace, so they can access these instructional videos anytime, anywhere. Additional assessments can be used with these eLearning videos, lessons, and courses to ensure employees remember information and truly acquire the knowledge and skills they need to succeed.

Alternatively, eLearning, which includes virtual, live instructor-led training, provides employees with real-time collaboration and face-to-face interaction during learning, giving students access to the in-depth knowledge of experienced subject experts and enabling them to ask specific questions for more effective learning. This approach to eLlearning is also convenient and cost-effective, giving learners flexibility and increasing engagement through live online training sessions. Whether you prefer expertly designed training videos or virtual instructor-led training for learning and development, eLearning is a surefire way to foster a learning culture in your organization, while also effectively and efficiently teaching employees the information and skills they want. to learn.


[1] Build a learning culture

[2] 3 ways workplace leaders can free up more time for deep learning

[3] Making learning part of everyday work

[4] Ceridian Report 2018-19 Pulse of Talent: Employee Lifecycle Retention

[5] Employee engagement does more than increase productivity

[6] The US Upskilling Study: Empowering Workers for Tomorrow’s Jobs

[7] LinkedIn: 94% of employees say they’d stay with a company longer for this reason – and it’s not a pay rise

[8] How can learning and development attract and retain talent?

[9] Facts and Statistics Revealing the Power of the eLearning Industry

eBook release: Intellezy


Intellezy is an award-winning change management and eLearning company with over 30 years of experience helping organizations achieve business goals. We partner with companies to ensure technology investments are adopted and successfully implemented.