Tuesday’s showdown in Maryland is just the last. The politics of the Israeli-Palestinian divide has shaken Democratic House primaries in South Texas, Cleveland, North Carolina, Illinois, California and Pennsylvania. And ahead of the August primary in Michigan, the AIPAC affiliate and the Democratic Majority for Israel have lined up behind a moderate Congressman, Haley Stevens, who is Christian, in her incumbent versus incumbent primary against a more progressive Democrat, Andy Levin, who is Jewish. is. – a reminder that in the political world created by Mr Trump, being Jewish is no longer equated with being “pro-Israel.” Indeed, the Israelis now view evangelical Christians as a much bigger and more powerful ally than American Jews.
“Our goal is to build the broadest pro-Israel two-party coalition in Congress, period,” said Mr Dorton.
The effort, notable for AIPAC, which has so far tried to keep its political interventions sotto voce, has sparked heated accusations of ethnic bias and deep concern that, rather than bolster the Israeli government’s support within the Democratic Party, the groups’ toughening stance on Israel and a frank stance in support of Palestinian autonomy become a litmus test for progressives.
“When an organization approves, it’s essentially the political version of ‘you’re for us or you’re against us.’ You create a black-and-white scenario,” said Julie Rayman, senior director of policy and political affairs at the American Jewish Committee. , which does not intervene in political races.
Mr. Ben-Ami is more direct.
“Our concern is saving space to keep US policies that are more balanced, pushing back on some of the things that happen in Israel on the ground,” he said, adding: “AIPAC is trying to close the discussion and impose a political price” on those who speak out.
Yousef Munayyer, a Palestinian human rights activist and non-resident at the Arab Center in Washington, sees the disdain as a positive sign for his cause. For decades, AIPAC’s influence on campaigns has been indirect. The group did not support or raise money for candidatesinstead, encourage its members to do so.