Hello everyone! For anyone who doesn't know me, I'm Henry. I started as a freelance contributor, joined UploadVR in late 2022, and you know me best for my VR gaming news reporting.
Since our former editor-in-chief, Harry Baker, left the team in January, we haven't posted as many reviews on the site. Coverage remains a juggling act for any small team, but as a newly appointed Reviews Editor, I've heard your feedback and we'll soon be back on track. In addition to our employees, we work with a fantastic team of freelance writers who will assist us further in the coming months.
My current plan goes beyond just posting more reviews. What we're reevaluating is the way we approach some titles. Video games are not like movies or music; they can be easily updated days and weeks after launch, creating unique assessment considerations. Changes are rarely revolutionary, even if sometimes they are, and each update can mean the difference between something nice and something not. We also cannot judge what is not yet there. We can only see what lies ahead, not a possible update that may or may not improve a particular game. And this is before we consider games with broader post-launch roadmaps.
I'm trying to address this by overseeing more ongoing reviews. For games reviewed as an ongoing review, our writers will return to the game after an agreed period of time to re-assess and revise their impressions. We won't do this for all games, as some titles, such as ports of older releases that already had updates, don't need this. Instead, there are some games where it's often clear that there's unrealized scope in an idea that's also clearly communicated to early buyers. We will assess these on a case-by-case basis. Early access games typically don't get reviews until after they're fully released, though we'll try to provide early impressions, as we've done for years. Previews, post-launch VR mode updates, and smaller experiences will likely include shorter hands-on articles, in addition to an overview where we can highlight these interesting and innovative works in our shows and lists.
This approach also extends to live service and online multiplayer games. Our new strategy will have reviewers post their first impressions when a game launches and later revise their review at agreed intervals over a longer period of time, recording these expectations in our initial review. These updates can also take into account the average number of players and matchmaking quality in a foldable segment, similar to comfort settings. Maintaining a consistent player base is a challenge that any matchmaking-based multiplayer game faces, so we think it's important to note some of these experience aspects before purchasing a game months after launch.
As my colleagues and I have slowed down in thinking about how best to review VR content, we've also started to see big innovations in mixed reality game design, even though ten years old VR games will still debut on brand new platforms in 2024. When games are fun Task simulator continue to appear on new platforms and other established hits such as Microsoft Flight Simulator As we receive further updates, we'll work to better explain to our audience why games feel a certain way on certain platforms.
To be clear, we are not changing our current scoring system again and we will continue to use it five star scale. Reviews and subsequent scores remain subjective and individualized to the author, but we want to expand our work over time with reviews to better hone them in a more useful context alongside their updated first-hand accounts. If you have any relevant questions about this new approach, I'll be happy to answer them in the comment section below. Thanks for listening.